Something that really bugs me! Why are there "Expecting Mother " parking spots?
2006-06-28 10:45:58 UTC
I don't get it! We have them at our malls and some stores around here!

They are going to get out of their vehicle and go walk around a whole mall or the store anyways, why do they need to park closer? Pregnant women are supposed to get their exercise anyways!

I think if anyone should get a closer spot it should be mothers who already have very young children and have to take their child, stroller, often a diaper bag or etc, in with them.

This really annoys me! Besides if I park in one how are they going to prove I'm not expecting? Are they going to give me a pregnancy test right then and there?

Anyone else feel the same? Or if you think these should be there, please help me in understanding why!
77 answers:
2006-06-28 11:10:37 UTC
I am currently nine months pregnant and the only reason I see a need for the "Expectant Mother" parking spaces is when you are in your third trimester and you realize right when you park that you have to go to the bathroom there is no way as slow as you walk that far along and carrying a five plus pound baby that you will make it to the bathroom.

On the other hand I too think it is totally ridiculous to have "Expectant Mother" parking spaces. Being nine months pregnant me, my husband, and my 22 month old daughter still go to the mall. We park in the very back even, because we have heard the more you walk the better. Yeah, I get tired but once you get in the mall there are always benches and such to take breaks if needed.

Pregnant women with medical problems are not going to be walking the mall anyway and the ones that do not have any medical problems should have been smart enough to be taking care of themselves from the start to begin with.

Also, for previous posters if you are walking out of the store and realize you are in labor you should not be driving in the first place. My doctor instructs me and his other patients not to drive just in case you get a contraction and can not handle driving, you could cause an accident. Call a family member or an ambulance, please don't drive!

Although the parking spaces are probably a convience they are definitely not needed and probably abused more than what their intended purpose is supposed to be.
2006-06-28 20:11:45 UTC
I have had 3 children. We also have them in certain areas. While I was in early pregnancy, I parked in the usual parking spots and didn't use the expectant mother spots. Once you get into late pregnancy, though, moving around becomes alot more difficult and can be very painful. With my last one, I could barely get out of the car on my own, let alone trek all over creation and back. When Idid go places, it was for a specific reason and I got what I came for and left. I didn't walk all over the place. Also, in the case of malls where I would have to do a lot of walking, I made frequent use of the benches and other seating areas they provide. I would have to rest often and a lot of the time I would wait on the bench while a companion got what I needed. This is why they have them. I'm sorry you don't agree with them. And FYI, In early pregnancy I walked between 2-3 miles a day every day so I was in excellent shape and did not park in those spots.
2006-06-28 10:57:25 UTC
I've never seen these before and any women who is pregnant and is going to walk the mall should be able to walk into the building too! You are so right!

And if a pregnant woman did have complications and restricted exercise, she should get a medical permit and be on bedrest!

I have a 4-yr. old and I agree. It should be for men and women with small children. I swear sometimes I have to bring a whole convenient store with me to get through 30 minutes of shopping.

And that would be funny if they did start requiring "pregnant woman" passes to hang in the rear view mirror so they can park there, or worse yet, can you imagine a security guard at the door holding a basket of Clear Blue Easys for those decietful women parking in the pregnancy spots! And what would they do anyways, fine you if it came out negative?


Good point!
2006-06-28 11:34:41 UTC
I really think that those spaces should only be reserved for women in their last trimester. Lets face it, women in their first and second trimesters aren't going to experience the "pains" of pregnancy until then. When a woman reaches the last trimester movement is slow and shopping at a mall isn't going to be an all day event unless they are a super trooper! In your last trimester going to the mall is a HAVE TO kind of thing trust me your not going there for your health. Walking is a PIA, during the last trimester your huge! You waddle, your feet swell and you get tired quickly and not having to walk a mile into a store to just get one or two items is nice. I was only able to use those parking spaces during my second pregnancy and it was very nice. I had developed preeclampsia which causes severe swelling and high blood pressure and before I was put on bed rest I tried to remain somewhat active and if I had to go to the mall I parked in those spaces because they were close to the doors and due to my feet being so swollen from the preeclampsia that I was happy to not have to walk any further than I had to. Just to give you an idea, I wear a 6 1/2 to a size 7 shoe and during my second pregnancy i was wearing a size 10 shoes just so my feet would fit in something. My feet were so swollen you couldn't tell I had toes and putting my feet up on a pillow didn't help the swellilng at all. The swelling didn't leave my body until my son was 8 months old. So, for women with high risk pregnancies and women in their 3rd trimester of pregnancy I think that those parking spots are wonderful and needed. I hope this helps you understand more.
2016-10-19 18:21:16 UTC
We don't have any of these spaces around where I live, but it would be nice if we did. Im 8.5 months pregnant and work graveyard at the hospital here as an RN and I pull 12+ hours every night, usually spending most of the time on my feet even though doing so makes me want to cry and vomit at times. My pregnancy has been rough; my little one feeling the need for whatever reason to bruise and even fracture my ribs while I was in my 7th month as well as severe pain in my hips and pelvis when walking. My husband works swing so he leaves early in the afternoon or late depending on the day and usually doesn't get back until late when everything is closed, so I still end up doing a majority of the shopping. These spaces would take a lot of extra and unnecessary strain off of my body. Yes I realize I probably sound like I'm just an entitled person but seriously, ou are entitled to your opinion, I respect it, but don't slam these spots when some of us genuinely have a hard time getting around.
2006-06-28 10:57:23 UTC
I am so glad that you pointed this out... This really bothers me and is really starting to get annoying and popping up everywhere.

Why do they get special parking, I realize they are uncomfortable and "larger" than normal but they are going to a store to walk around anyway if they can't walk that much why are they even going? They can't even determine who is or who isn't expecting so anyone can really park there taking up spaces for people who really may need to park close./.

I heard the newest one that in some towns they are putting parking for obese people *I have nothing against obese people* however I dont' think we should start catering to everything by giving them "front row" parking - it would probably be better if they did walk a little farther anyway - and left those spots open for those that have injuries that are handicapped but have special needs for a short time.

I enjoy being single with out a child (at the moment) but I would too like to park close as well but- where is my parking spots - if this is to help people that are shopping , give them a better experince where is my SPOT?
2006-06-28 10:55:17 UTC
Hey, I'm with you. Walking is healthy for everyone, including those with child. And get this...I've seen parking spots for moms with kids too! Really, they're out there! Pretty soon, unless you're "somebody" we'll all be parking out in the weeds 'cause all the spots will be for "special" people. Get a grip! Parking spots for democrats, republicans, blondes, SUV's, tree huggers, mimes, gardeners or some other group that would be offended if they didn't have a "special" spot. It boggles the mind...what's next, huh?! And just for the record, I've been pregnant before (twice and delievered a 10 pound boy!) plus I'm handicapped and don't use the spots unless I'm really in a bad way. Exercise is good for even me, so I do what I can. <*)))><
2006-06-28 11:07:41 UTC
I can tell you have never been 7-9 months pregnant in the summer in the South west or South. When it's 100+ in the shade. If you had you would think these parking spots a God Send for an expectant Mother and even offer her a close spot you had found.
2006-06-28 12:38:33 UTC
It's merely a courtesy, like offering a pregnant woman your seat on the bus or holding the door open for someone juggling a baby, a stroller and a diaper bag. At least in my area, it's not the law. You can park there if you choose and you won't get a ticket. It's just a way of extending a small kindness to someone who might need that close spot just a little more than you do.
2006-06-28 11:28:47 UTC
Obviously you've never been 9 months pregnant with feet and ankles so swollen that they're coming out over the tops of your shoes. :) While it's true that they're going to walk around inside, walking around inside an air conditioned building is quite a bit different from walking the length of the parking lot when it's snowy/icy or blazing hot outside.

I think with the Expectant Moms parking, it's mainly a comfort thing, and really should only be used by women who are at least 8 months pregnant. When you get pregnant and you really start to show, your center of gravity is off, and you're very unsteady sometimes, and it truly is difficult/uncomfortable to walk. Many pregnant women have problems with sciatica. Your back hurts, your feet hurt, when your pelvic joints start to spread/separate (close to the end of your pregnancy)...oh God...don't even get me started on that. LOL Pregnant women have to shop, too. If we only had personal shoppers, wouldn't life be grand? :)

I think Expectant Moms parking is a great idea, but not if you're 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. That's just abuse of a good thing by those women who choose to park there who aren't that far along.
2014-08-15 18:46:41 UTC
I also agree, I just saw one of these for the first time at a grocery store near my house in AZ. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. If you're at that high rish of a pregnancy that you can't walk, how can you be in a car to drive? I'm 99% sure you would get injured more in a car rather than WALKING into a store. If you can't walk into a store how are you going to walk around one? And if that's the case, then your doctor can issue you a temporary handicap spot. Just because you're expectant mom, by choice, you shouldnt get special treatment. Absolutely obsurd on every level in my opinion. And we all know several people would park in these spots that aren't expectant moms. Who approved of these parking spots???
2006-06-28 10:53:16 UTC
I think it is a good idea but as with handicapped parking, people are going to abuse it. The only real reason I can think of to justify it at a mall is that they are trying to reduce the distance the pregnant women have to walk while possibly carrying heavy packages.

My wife is pregnant, however she's not showing yet, and pulled into one of these spots at the supermarket. I said something to her about it because she was not nearly at the point that she needs to use these spots.

I have seen a select few of these spots marked for expecting mothers as well as parent's with young children in my area.
2006-06-28 20:09:44 UTC
I've parked in them before. Why not? It's not a legal spot like handicapped are. They shouldn't be out shopping if they can't handle walking a minute or two more like normal people have to. I think the stores that do offer them are trying to be more 'expecting mother' friendly. You'll only see those signs at places that have baby needs. All and all, it increases their sales because 'expecting mothers' are more willingly to shop somewhere they get special treatment or makes it 'easier' for them to get by.
2016-03-21 00:57:53 UTC
The law is clear. Without a sign it is technically not a designated sign. But I do not believe for a minute that is why they parked there. In the US, the federal law requires a sign with an international access symbol (wheelchair) on a post high enough to be seen over the roof of your average vehicle, or posted on the wall at a similar height. It also requires it to be a specific width. There is a choice between an 8 foot wide parking space with an adjacent 5 foot wide stripe access aisle or 8 foot access aisle for a van accessible space. The access aisle can be shared by two spaces. There is no requirement that anything be painted blue - not the sign, the stripes, or a wheelchair symbol. There is no requirement for a wheelchair pavement marking. There is a law against parking on the diagonal lines.
2015-08-09 19:43:56 UTC
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Something that really bugs me! Why are there "Expecting Mother " parking spots?

I don't get it! We have them at our malls and some stores around here!

They are going to get out of their vehicle and go walk around a whole mall or the store anyways, why do they need to park closer? Pregnant women are supposed to get their exercise anyways!

I think if anyone should...
2006-06-28 13:38:12 UTC
I didnt read the other answers but...

Considering that you have never been pregnant I can understand why you would think this way, and I agree there should be parking for "new mothers" (like with toddlers and younger) too. But since you have never been pregnant let me explain...

1. Bladder, by the time a woman drives around for 20 minutes looking for a parking spot she feels ready to explode, this is not a sensation that can ge ignored.

2. Pelvis, many women have severe pelvic/back/leg pain when pregnant and can only walk short distances at a time. Does this mean they can't go to the maternity store at the mall? If you saw me in a mall right now I PROMISE you would see me spending time on every available bench.

3. Belly, you can put a stroller, baby, or diaper bag down. The belly is stuck to you and its like carrying around a 40lb sack of flour thats attacked to you, its heavy and uncomfortable.

Expectant mother parking is a courtesy and its one I NEVER see in my town but considering that I can barely walk these days I would LOVE to see these spots. Just because I am pregnant doesn't mean I can stop shopping, paying bill, going places.

I have waht is called a Pelvic Symphasis Seperation wich makes daily life very rough, everything hurts from standing, sitting, laying, walking... you name it. Just lifting my leg high enough to get into the shower puts me in tears. Why should I NOT get the courtesy of parking closer?

This is something I don't think you can truly understand until you have experienced it.
2006-06-28 10:50:17 UTC
i see the point you're making...very valid one as well.

i always get irritated when i see someone who will congest a parking lane so they can get a spot closer to the door. so not only have they wasted the 2 mins it would have taken to park further away and walked to the door of the mall/store/etc in that same amount of time, but now they're going to walk 6 miles around a mall/store/etc but they couldn't walk an extra 50 ft in a parking lot. no wonder this country has an obesity problem
2006-06-28 10:49:43 UTC
There are spots at stores I go to for expecting mothers or mothers with children. I don't have kids, but I have never ever used those spots whenI take my two nephews anywhere. They're 4 1/2 and 1 1/2. People managed just fine for the last 100 years we've had cars without those spots- I refuse to use them. Even if I had 10 kids. I like the exercise.
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2006-06-28 10:54:24 UTC
I think they put them there to help.

Some women go to the store for 1 item and leave. When I was pregnant the last thing I wanted to do was walk around a store for no reason. I went in, got what I needed, and got out.

Those spots are there for the women that have a hard time being on their feet. Some expectant mothers have a lot of swelling, back pain, sore knees, and severe exhaustion. Being pregnant is not all the wonderful times that the movies and tv make them out to be! Those parking spots are a blessing for them. I didn't use them because I was physically able to walk, so I left them for someone that might need them more than me.

2 things are obvious here:

1. You have never been pregnant

2. You have a lot of time on your hands
Liz S
2006-06-28 10:55:58 UTC
Well maybe its just because they want to get Expecting mothers out more. They figure if they give them a spot to park they will shop more. Yes I agree it is a pain when you have kids and have to lug a stroller and diaper bag but what can you do... Nothing. If you feel like you want to park in the spot that is reserved for expecting moms be our guest. Its just not worth being bugged about.
2006-06-28 11:10:36 UTC
I think it should be "moms with kids under the age of 1" parking spots. It is harder to carry a car seat or child into a mall when the carts are in the store... I never used the Mom to be parking places. I agree with you, If I could drive and I wasn't in pain , I shopped, otherwise I would have stayed home. I did also drive when in labor. = )
2006-06-28 10:52:14 UTC
As a once-pregnant woman, I was very grateful for "expectant mother" parking, especially where I live, in the desert.

Carrying a baby inside you is awfully tough on your ligaments, muscles, skeleton, feet. The less walking you have to do, the easier it is on you and sometimes, it can be an issue of safety as well. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to have contractions throughout their pregnancy and for those who tend to contract more (as I did), being able to get in and out of a mall fast was extremely helpful to my baby and to me. Believe me, I wasn't "shopping around" at the time. I went in, got what I needed, and got out.

It's a kindess to those who need a small break.
2006-06-28 10:52:05 UTC
i use to feel the same way, until i was an expectant father. knowing that they were there made me feel better that my wife would not be inconvenienced as she waddled to the store.

the spots around here in VA are marked for expectant mothers and parents with infants, which now also works for me with two small children. try hauling a car seat with a 20lb 6 month old and a 2 year old to the store, adn you will see the need for this convenience, or seeming inconvenience as the case may be.
2006-06-28 10:50:30 UTC
Never heard of them before... I agree with your point about mothers with young children. It is a major hassle dealing with three little ones trying to walk through a huge parking lot. On the other hand, I would have loved to have a closer parking space while I was pregnant. So my answer is both should have them! But then people with older kids or no kids would ***** about it.
2006-06-28 11:01:24 UTC
I hate those too!! I mean I understand that there's a convience, but when there's more than like two of those spots it pisses me off!!

I mean where's the "Gotta take a ****" parking spots?!?! Especially after a long drive and you really gotta go, it cen get painful to have to park waaaay out in the boonies because half the parking lot is handicapped and expectant mother parking.

2006-06-28 10:52:08 UTC
In my area they do have an expectant mother/mother with small children spot. It is for both. With this being a large military community many time there is no one to go to the store for them and they have to do things themselves, it can be dangerous for them to carry/lift/and push heavy things. This is for the safety of their unborn child as well as the mother. I can undertand what you mean about Mommies which is whay I added the part in the beginning that some stores do have spaces for them also.
2006-06-28 10:51:51 UTC
well in some of what your saying i do understand and agree with you, but first there are car parks for mothers with stollers, 2nd if u notice the walk of a pregnant woman in her later stages of the pregnancy she can't walk very fast so if she was to be crossing the road like some with a disabilty or an old person she has more of a chance of being hit because she can't move fast enough out of the way. i have never actully seen a expecting mothers car park i don't think we have them here in australia
2006-06-28 10:49:34 UTC
LOL I thought the same thing! I can understand for a woman who's in her 3rd trimester or who has an infant. I know for some pregnant women, they get sciatica and other pregnancy related issues that makes it more difficult to get up and move around. I can see your point but really, there is a reason those parking places are there!
2006-06-28 10:51:18 UTC
In Indianapolis we have parking for Handicap, Expectant Mother and for Parents with Toddlers.

You get a special sticker to park there.
2006-06-28 10:50:29 UTC
Yeah I don't like those parking spots either. It reminds those who can't have children that...they are not able to have kids. It's insensitive. Also, if a pregnant lady is at the store, don't you think she is feeling well enough to go through the rigors of shopping. What is this world coming to???
2006-06-28 10:49:16 UTC
So far we don't have those around here. All we have is handicapped and parent with child signs. If someone is pregnant with problems then ask your doctor to help you get a temporary handicapped sign.
2006-06-28 12:01:46 UTC
First of all sometimes is hurts to walk. In my hometown there are no eye docs. Just the ones in the mall in the next big town. Now, I wear glasses and when you are pregnant alot of the time your eyes change. I have to go to the mall to see the eye doc. If I have to park to far away I will just not go 'cause it hurts to walk. I'm already getting over the cramps from just driving my damn car the 30 mins. it takes to get there I don't feel like adding more pain.
2006-06-28 10:50:12 UTC
What about the expectant mother with more than one child with them? That is most often the case and you know what, I dont have a problem with the expectant mother places. In the 9th month of pregnancy (even 8th), let me tell you, it is absolute HELL. You are hot all the time, sweaty, tired, heavy, and have a 7 pound kid inside you kicking you all over the place, you barely get any sleep, you cant breathe properly, and having another kid or toddler to deal with? Its hard. im all for expectant mother parking spaces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-28 10:48:29 UTC
I just think it's the stores way of being nice to it's preggo mommies. A lot of times women who are pregnant have a hard time getting around and it's just a nicety to ahve those spots. I don't think it's the law.
2006-06-28 11:19:21 UTC
it shows u have never been pregnant, so u probably don't have a sensitive or matronly bone in ur body. its in case they go into labor-think honey-. a lot of expecting mothers go to malls & other places during their last trimester & very close to their due date cuz walking helps initiate the labor process sometimes. if they're parked on lot 10J in bufu way across the EXIT of a store/mall, well it just takes longer to get there comprendo. sorry, maybe u should fake a dead leg for a handicap permit. get a clue.
2006-06-28 10:52:15 UTC
That's interesting. Not around here.

Ok-When I was 9 months preg-that would have been nice-on second thought,walking is great to help labor along...

I don't know why in the world they have them either.

But if they ever want to pass a law about the mom with kids thing-I'll lobby for it!
2006-06-28 10:49:46 UTC
It's just a nice thing to do for expectant mothers. No I doubt you will get a pregnancy test on the spot. But if you have any manners you will not park in them. They aren't handicap spots so you won't get a ticket. Why does this bother you?
2006-06-28 10:53:18 UTC
Lets say.... A expecting mother is hungry. So,she wants to have close parking because,Arby's is right next to the food court entrance,oh darn,no close parking. The mother has a baby before she gets to the food court. The parking lot is full. The ambulance can't find the mother that is going though pregnacy.

Eventually the baby dies.


If this happens,or for some other reason something else happens. Expectant mother parking helps the mother walk less,to get to a simple destination. If,not something bad could happen. How would you feel,if u had to walk far a way to an entrance with a 20 pound baby,expecting anytime now. Wouldn't you rather be not lazy and walk all the way to the entrance,and give the expectant mother respect,and less of a hard time to get somewhere quickly? I think expectant mother parking SHOULD be there.
2006-06-28 10:53:04 UTC
I have never heard of those before. It seems to be utterly ridiculous to me. Do the E. M. parking spots take priority of handicap parking? It just shows what can be accomplished when when somebody in power has way too much time on thier hands.
2006-06-28 10:53:27 UTC
Even if there were parking spaces for this situation some idiot would pak in it anyway the same way nonhandicapped people get away with parking inthe handicap spaces
Andrea M
2006-06-28 10:53:11 UTC
Who is especially important that they get exercise............they should be for mothers with more then one small child,because some times 3 and 4 year olds will dart across the parking lot and can get hurt,if mothers are preoccupied with siblings.
2006-06-28 10:51:39 UTC
LMAOR! I love your question!

Preg. women do need exercise but not when they are almost full term. I have never seen a parking spot like that, but I can say my mothers water broke in Bel Air.

P.S: Dirty D...Ignorance is not hot! I think your mama's calling.
2006-06-28 10:51:00 UTC
what is wrong with you??? you have never been pregnant have you? yes, mothers with small children should have a spot, and pregnant women also. its hard to be pregnant especially during the last trimester. they need wider parking spaces, and a little more help in standing sitting and they are uncomfortable. so be patient and one day it could be you in those shoes. think about it.
2006-06-28 10:49:41 UTC
Most of those spots are because, expecting mothers are instructed not to carry over 20 lbs and if they have to go get groceries or stuff it may be too heavy.. when I was expecting the last time, I had a one year and it was nice not have to walk forever carrying my one year old and stuff and be expecting... you can't prove your not carrying a baby.. it's the honor system
2006-06-28 11:34:31 UTC
The parking spot i agree with is the mothers with infants, those are understandable. Plus when it is icy outside expectant mother shouldnt walk across it.
2006-06-28 11:00:29 UTC
They have their own parking spaces for some reasons. Like if they go into labor they're closer to the door. They can also get really tired easily. It's just like people having handicapped spaces.
2006-06-28 14:58:33 UTC
I don't really think it's so much a matter of them being closer to the store when going in - I think it's for when they come out - you know, with their hands full of baby items that they just bought... So they don't have so far to carry those packages? What do you think? --- I appreciated those spaces when I was huge pregnant - yet, in the same breath, I also had 2 other children... so, was it because I was pregnant or because I had 2 other small children to contend with?????

I agree with you though, that they should have "Mommy spaces" for those of us who already have children. (I have 4 - only one who is still in a stroller, but when she was born, I had 3 in the stroller - don't think that was fun!)
little fairy lady
2006-06-28 11:17:32 UTC
How about parking spaces for mothers of 3 plus children. Have you ever tried to get through a parking lot with a herd of kids?
2006-06-28 10:51:33 UTC
Only women who need them use them. If I were 8 months along, I'd be glad to see one. But I suppose I respect other people and their limitations.
go UCLA bruins!
2006-06-28 10:50:30 UTC
Because, the same reasonb why they invented the handicapped spaces- they will walk around anyway, but we will try to make them walk as little as possible. My mom tells me that I used to be a HUGE ROCK in her stomach, so saving a few spaces would have been great if thaty was around back in those days.
Anonymous User
2006-06-28 10:49:50 UTC
I've often wondered how they were going to tell the difference between a pregnant woman and one who wasn't.
2006-06-28 10:48:48 UTC
Didn't know they had Expection Mother parking spots. They don't have them here in Kansas that I'm aware of. My Wal-Mart does have a Sick Kid parking spot.
2006-06-28 10:49:40 UTC
I havent seen any of those signs. But have you considered weather conditions? many people can slip and fall because of rain or ice on the ground . A fall like that could be very dangerous (if not fatal) for a pregnant woman.

Just a thought.
2006-06-28 10:48:29 UTC
Because what if the lady starts going into contractions while she's heading for the exit? hehe Then wouldn't it be better if her car was closer at that point? It's just a backup conveinience. Pregnant women should have the option. Hell I'm not even a woman and I feel that way. DUH! What's wrong with you?? lol
2006-06-28 10:50:59 UTC
Seriously. B1tches should walk far from their cars like the rest of us and then get home fast to make dinner before they get smacked.
2006-06-28 10:50:02 UTC
They're not for women who are just a few days pregnant -- they're for women who are HUGE. It's the same thing as giving up your seat on the train for a pregnant woman. I think it's a nice thing to do.
Amanda A
2006-06-28 10:50:04 UTC
I agree with you about the spot for mothers with young children.
2006-06-28 10:51:02 UTC
I've never heard of such a thing but I think it's a silly idea. What's next?.... smoking and non-smoking parking spaces.
2006-06-28 10:49:31 UTC
i feel the same way and i am pregnant. those spots are pointless! cause people that are not pregnant park in them. i know i was when i wasnt pregnant then me and my friends would select who was goin to be pregnant today, just in case there was a pregnant parking spot police ou there! lol
heidi s
2006-06-28 11:01:11 UTC
you know it people like you that make me mad not all pregnant women need exercise in fact some like i was are on mild bed rest and have to go places because they don't have anyone to go for them so you tell me the more exercise i got the worse what was i to do!!!!!!!! more stores need this next time remember not all pregnancy's are the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-28 11:22:56 UTC
A handicap person seems to be able to get inside the building too... maybe we should take away handicap spots also???
2006-06-28 10:48:47 UTC
It's ludicrous, they must implement an equal number of expecting father parking spaces immediately.

Apparently Kansas is largely a parking space so they don't have them there.
2006-06-28 10:48:34 UTC
when u do something in the parking lot u can expect to be a mother soon
2006-06-28 10:47:51 UTC
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!???? That's dumb! If the expecting mother is going to walk around a mall, she can sure as hell walk a few extra parking spaces!!!
2006-06-28 10:48:01 UTC
just in case they go in labor there closer 2 the door 4 help
2006-06-28 10:53:16 UTC
I have never seen these but you have made some good points. If we get our own though, then the dads will want their own. And what about Grandparents, and pet owners. It's gonna get completely out of control if someone doesn't put a stop to this madness!!
2006-06-28 10:49:20 UTC
i doubt women in their last months of pregnancy are going to trapse around the mall. have you ever been pregnant?

Do you know what it feels like to carry a bowling ball in your abdomen? uggh!
Jake H
2006-06-28 10:49:28 UTC
Because it makes things easier for them. And pregnent women DO NOT need stress.
gentle giant
2006-06-28 10:49:23 UTC
Maybe it's so pregnant women don't have to carry stuff as far to their cars.
2006-06-28 10:49:50 UTC
i think it is a good idea they dont have to be in danger while walkin through a parking lot

have a great day
2006-06-28 10:48:52 UTC
I park in them all the time . . . These women' dont deserve anything special just because they got knocked up. Listen to Tom Leykis to find out more.
2006-06-28 10:47:55 UTC
OMG!!! I wish they had that kind of stuff any of the times I was pregnant! That's a wonderful idea!
2006-06-28 10:47:21 UTC
now imagine them going into labor while at the mall.
2006-06-28 10:48:16 UTC
Get pregnant and you will appreciate those spots when your feet hurt like crazy.
2006-06-28 10:49:39 UTC
where are you from?....I've never heard of those kinds of parking spots....either way it seems ridiculous to me...
2006-06-28 10:48:38 UTC
i totally agree with you. they are pretty stupid
2006-06-28 10:49:08 UTC
Here is a scenario for you....she goes into labor!!! Duh, she will need to get to the car, FAST.

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