My family really needs a set chore chart for us kids. I could make one easy enough only our family is a little complicated for the moment and I don't even know where to begin. I'm at my moms usually three days a week, my little sister is there 6 or 7 days of the week, my oldest sister is 19 currently has a job doing hair (not sure if I should include her in the chore chart since she's supposed to be leaving before this summer), my step sister and step brother are there every other week. Between our varying schedules it is hard to find set times to do these chores and right now I think we need them because both my step siblings don't do squat. My little sister is also only 4, but she loves working and helping and is a big help. I wrote down a list of chores, but is there any way to chart it all so we can decide evenly what to do, like a wheel? Ideas or links welcome! As well as any other ideas as to how we get organized.