Somebody up there said "you will regret taking your life"; how can you regret something when you're dead?
Anyway, you're not alone in your predicament. A few of the Muslims I've known have bee in similar situations to yours, albeit not quite so horrible. Being sixteen means that you have your whole life ahead of you. Perhaps ask your parents what they would like you to do with your life, but not in an accusatory tone obviously.
You're probably not going to be afforded the opportunity to do the things you want until you're an adult and you're legally able to go and do the things you want to do without permission.
What I would recommend for the moment is that you find a skill; something you're good at like a musical instrument (or creating music electronically with your computer if you don't have access to an instrument), art, some subject in school -- once you have something you can excel at, you'll be able to find a career. Instead of feeling like your life is hopeless, give it purpose. Genuinely.
I'm really sorry to hear your life isn't so great. Things will improve, just give it time. x