Where are all these women that are willing to support men for years on end?
You need to stop looking for a job in your 'pay grade' and just find a job and/or jobs to start supporting your family.
I have always done whatever I had to do in the way of jobs to support my family. On one period of unemployment I worked 4 part-time jobs at the same time. Two were working 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, one job working 12AM to 6AM, and one working on weekends. I worked a job for 4 hrs a day (7AM-11AM) running a mold machine that made little plastic parts, another was 4 hours (12PM - 4PM) in a cheese plant un-crating huge blocks of cheese for the second shift production. I would then go home, shower then sleep until 11PM. I then returned to the cheese plant to work for the contract cleaning crew from 12AM - 6AM. The last job was working for a plumber on weekends. Sometimes he called during the week when I was sleeping for help on an emergency. I worked like this for 2 years and 3 months until I found a job in my 'pay grade'.
Did I consider the work beneath my, so called, pay grade? You better believe it!
Did I get tired? Heck yeah!
Did I question my sanity sometimes? Yup!
Did I ever want to quit? Yes.
Did I? Nope. It was what I had to do to take care of my family.
Did this strain my relationship with my children? Oh yeah!! But hey, it's my job to be a parent and provide for my family, not be my kids best friend.
You made a choice to marry and have a family. You never should have made that choice if you are above doing jobs below your 'pay grade'. You now have a responsibility to do whatever it takes to provide for your family. That baby didn't ask to be born but deserves a father that will do whatever it takes to provide for it.
No work is beneath you as long as it is honest work and you give your all to performing it.
It's time to 'MAN-UP'!!!!!