How crazy is it for a family with three young children not to have insurance?
socmum16 ♪
2008-01-15 10:40:38 UTC
Do you have three kids? Do you have insurance? Have you ever gone through a period where you didn't have insurance? What did you do?
31 answers:
2008-01-15 13:55:02 UTC
it sucks doesnt it.....we are a blended family, we each have 2 boys and have one together, and there was a period of time when none of us, not even our children had health insurance, i guess we "made to much money" however my hubby was the only one working, as it was too expensive to put 5 kids into daycare, i stayed home like any smart person would do. We were denied health insurance and we had no idea what we were going to do because its not cheap going to the doctor, and its definitly not cheap when you have 5 kids that might need a doctor, we were not going to stop taking our boys to their pediatrician just because of money. If they needed to be seen thats just the way it was. Sad part? THE NON CUSTODIAL parents of BOTH of our kids was not obligated to provide health coverage even though both of the other parents had health insurance, and even worse? they werent even paying their child support!!!! We were absolutly pissed, our kids are now on a program called caring for children, its offered through BCBS. Best we can do, better than nothing i guess
Moo Moo Mair
2008-01-15 18:46:07 UTC
I have never gone without insurance...however, I must say that private insurance is extremely expensive. Unfortunately some people just cannot afford family insurance. My sister went through the same thing. They struggled and struggled and just couldn't make the insurance payments. Food and shelter became a priority. I would be careful in judging parents that are trying their best to take care of their children but cannot afford insurance. They are doing the best that they can. At least they are clothing, feeding and sheltering their children. There are clinics available if their children need medical care and don't have insurance.
2008-01-15 18:57:40 UTC
That is a bit sad,

I as a single adult had gone a long period without insurance but when i found out I was pregnant I applied for health-wave, insurance that covered me while I was pregnant and fully covered my daughter, I don't qualify for myself now that I have a different job but my daughter is still on there and its great, Its for low income households. I would encourage that family with 3 kids to check it out, It can at least cover the children if not the adults.
2008-01-15 18:45:30 UTC
Thats the funny thing about insurance... you never know when you'll need it. Anything catastrophic can happen in a moments notice. Even a slight injury or a week off can put you so far behind that you may take years to recover. If you qualify for medical benefits for the children through the state, jump on it. Most states have a mid-income special card so you don't have to be destitute to have coverage for your kids. As for you and your husband/significant other... it's almost sorry to say, irresponsible.
Resident Beer Nerd
2008-01-15 18:44:41 UTC
I have three kids and we went through a period and it was VERY stressfull. If you choose to do it that way, make sure you have money, but honestly, it would be better to go out and get some insurance.. if you arent making enough money check with medicare and see if they can help out. Its just too expensive and dangerous not to!

But, Dont let anyone demonize you, raising kids is expensive, and i have been there before. Its just a thing that happens from time to time.

Good luck!
Fission Chips
2008-01-15 18:45:45 UTC
as in health insurance? i dont have that problem since im canadian but i wonder if you have some kind of help through the government for low income families? we have that in canada for people who dont have dental insurance etc. check your telephone book or get online and see if there's low income help for you. i mean three kids puts you into a lower income even if both parents are working simply because it costs a lot to raise kids. i would check it out. it's dangerous cause you never know what's going to happen. good luck!
2008-01-15 18:52:26 UTC
My kids aren't that old but all their lives they have been covered by medicaid (we don't make nearly enough for private insurance) but right now we have nothing, they say we make to much but we don't we can't make ends meet for anything, min wage sucks, and the only thing we can do is wait for something to change. Our kids haven't been to a doctor in a couple of months, they are behind on shots, and we need to get our son retested for something they said he had at birth. I guess i really don't have an answer I just understand.

and ignore the idiots that are being rude on there its not your fault the american ecomany is in such despair that hard working familes can't win for anything.
Mother and wife
2008-01-15 18:46:00 UTC
Sometimes you don't have to have insurance you can have a saving plan that you involved in where if something catatrophic happened to one of your kids people in this plan would get together and help you out. But it does not cover little office visits here and there. The people that I have known who used that either had money to pay for all the little office visits. Or didn't believe in vaccinations and homeschooled their kids. So it kinda worked out for them.
Raymond C
2008-01-15 18:50:29 UTC
3 children...0 insurance til the youngest was 11...We survived just fine...No major health issues...and paid the bills that came up...More concerned with costly dental than medical...We are talking insurance here...and some think it is a right. To repeat a recent quote from some politician. "you think health care is expensive now? just wait till the government takes over".It is more crazy to worry about what you do not have,because it makes you miss out on what you do have.
not too creative
2008-01-15 18:43:49 UTC
Many many many MANY families don't have insurance. What you are describing is nothing out of the norm.

They manage. In whatever way they can.

Concerning those people who say that people who don't have insurance shouldn't reproduce, and are stupid: It's stupid to assume that everyone has a wonderful job that pays the majority of the health insurance premium.

Children happen. We do what we can to provide for them. Believe it or NOT, health insurance has not been around forever, and people were still allowed to reproduce. Numtards.
*~*love always*~*
2008-01-15 18:52:48 UTC
No child should go without insurance espeically when there are programs like Medicaid and CHIP out there. If you can't qualify for medicaid there is always CHIP.

I have a friend that did not have insurance on her either one of her children (2 boys) and one of them broke his arm. That hospital bill was outragous.
2008-01-15 18:46:51 UTC
I pay out of pocket.I have 3 kids.My family of 5 was quoted $300.00 a month for basic health insurance thats not including dental.Thats bs as far as I am concerned.I pay for office visits,check ups and the occasional emergency room visit.I save more paying cash.
2008-01-15 18:44:57 UTC
Me and my mom live together and at one time we didnt have insurance for a little over a month. But we went by with auto insurace and i myself dont have health ins. & i know i should but nothing has happened to me yet, plus idk if i am on my mom's health ins. or not.

But we didn't do anything cuz she couldnt afford it or me either cuz i have bills of my own have to be paid. She just prayed to God and looked around for auto ins. till she got the best deal. Now we have ins.
2008-01-15 18:46:31 UTC
I don't have any only because I really don't go to doctors very often so it's cheaper for me not to have it. I never get sick enough to see a doctor, and plus I hate doctors so much I wouldn't go to see one unless I was deathly ill. Some people just can't afford to have it so they don't, it's not really crazy if it's too expensive.
2008-01-15 18:45:33 UTC
Yeah it was called being mom sais you are not sick here take a pill. Or go to bed. We never saw a doctor. Only once when I broke a bone and my mom said it better not cost more than 25 bucks did and I got grounded...yep its a fact of life nowadays most folks can't afford it.
2008-01-15 19:18:26 UTC
Call your local social services dept. You may be eligible for health care through the state.
2008-01-15 18:45:15 UTC
I am so happy to be Canadian! It must be just awful for Americans, to not be able to see a doctor when you need one...... Im assuming you mean medical insurance? We just see the doctor when we are sick. period. Our country's tax revenue pays for our medical care....

ooooh, I just noticed your name is soccer mom..... I hope you arent spending money on soccer instead of medical insurance! If you are, start cutting out frivolous expenses like that to pay for it!
2008-01-15 21:21:14 UTC
My family has four kids and we have insurence. we've always had it, since my daddy's a nurse and he gets plenty with his job. i would recommend getting at least enough insurence to cover your kids, if not yourself.
2008-01-15 18:44:36 UTC
ya that's nuts and it's dangerous...

That's the only reason that I'm working instead of staying home with my baby...just for the medical insurance.

I have one kid...and if I didn't have insurance...I'd get off my asss and get a job and go buy some....
2008-01-15 18:43:15 UTC
It is crazy but sometimes un avoidable.

American Healthcare Sucks.

I'd move to Canada.
2008-01-15 18:47:29 UTC
Its risky but its very common. I didn't have insurance with one kid, don't have none now, taking a chance but I got to die sometime.
2008-01-15 18:44:14 UTC
Well just try to keep them health and not sick and make sure they don't get hurt and try and get it as soon as possible!
Tina T
2008-01-15 18:43:44 UTC
BE can trip and fall, break an arm...and then you'll see WHY you need trip to the ER will send you to the poorhouse!! BE CAREFUL!!
2008-01-15 18:43:34 UTC
OMG - look up CHIP for the kids
2008-01-15 18:43:20 UTC
youll know how crzy when one of your kids get hurts and you get a hospital bill...
2008-01-15 18:43:38 UTC
I think its just plain crazy to have 3 Kids
2008-01-15 18:43:20 UTC
honestly, you are a fool if you decide to have children when you have no insurance. Abolutely a fool...
2008-01-15 18:44:40 UTC
If they're wealthy then they should be okay.
2008-01-15 18:42:44 UTC
It's more dangerous than crazy....
2008-01-15 18:42:41 UTC
that sucks dude
Jimi Y
2008-01-15 10:43:12 UTC
its stupid. people who dont have insurance for their kids should not reproduce.

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