Hard decision to make - Have an abortion or keep the baby?
2008-05-04 08:38:57 UTC
I know no one else can make this decision for me, but I really need perspective from people outside the situation... I'm twenty years old and just found out that I'm about 3 weeks pregnant and I can not come to a decision. I'm in a committed relationship with my boyfriend (he's 26) and both of us have always been against abortion, but now that we're actually in the situation, things aren't clear. I know that right now is not a good time to have a kid, I'm about to move in with my boyfriend, neither of us are done with school, we can barely cover our own expenses and he has a kid from a marriage (it was planned). I am seriously considering terminating the pregnancy, but I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life, but I also don't want to bring a child into the world right now, I want us to have a good life. Any thoughtful responses welcome.
75 answers:
2008-05-04 08:43:18 UTC
It wouldn't be a tough decision for me. Keeping it would be my only option.
2016-03-15 13:04:00 UTC
Seen As Your Asking This Question I Can Tell You Really Don't Want To Go Through With The Abortion But You Are Uncertain About Your New Life.... Let Me Tell You Having A Baby Is The Most Dramatic Life Changing Experience You Will Ever Go Through, And Only Time Will Tell If This Is What You Really Want. Abortion Is Physically And Mentally Draining And You Always Have The ' What Ifs' And 'Should I Have Done That' Wondering Around In Your Head 24/7 If You Get One Done. Hun It's Totally Up To You, And I Mean That. I KNow You Want Me To Give You A Definite Answer But I Can't. I Have Never Been In Your Situation Before So Im Just Trying My Best ! Good Luck Hun, Talking To Your Doctor Might Help. X
sarah k
2008-05-04 09:51:51 UTC
Got to do what you feel is right. The decision cannot be a financial one cos you will always cope and if you're in the uk the government throw money at working families so long as you have a combined income of less than 60k. I can tell you that having a baby is a MASSIVE decision but it's also fantastic. If you think you will regret it, you probably will but not neccessarily. I'd recommend logging onto '' and checking out the 'unplanned pregnancy''s brilliant. I have just had an abortion and I think it was the wrong decision on many many levels....but we would have had 3 under 3s and are already emotionally and physically stretched. I am still recovering from it but my heart is broken and although I think i have made the best decision 'for the family' and initially I felt relief, i know I will regret this forever....but that's just me. Good luck and don't make any decisions too quickly, you have some time to assess the situation and come round to the idea either way! Big hugs!
2008-05-04 11:28:18 UTC
You will absolutely regret an abortion. How many people do you hear say they regret not terminating a pregnancy? And then, how many people do you hear say they regret terminating a pregnancy? I was young when I got pregnant, and poor, but have managed. My son is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I imagine your child will be the best thing to happen to you.

There are other things to consider, abortions can cause infertility(more frequently than you might think, when you go to an ObGyn they always want to know if you've had an abortion because it makes a miscarriage that much more likely) are you prepared to never have children?

Pregnancy is an emotional time, but I promise, when you feel the baby move inside you, you'll be glad you made the decision to keep the child.

When I was pregnant someone told me, a baby is never bad news. And I believe that. A child is a wonderful gift, and things have a way of working out if you make good decisions. Good luck!!
Janet B
2008-05-04 08:52:10 UTC
Please consider putting the child up for adoption. You can even make it so the child, when old enough can find both you and the father if they want to.

There are lots of ways for you to get help. Try Planned Parenthood. Talk to your doctor. Get prenatal care no matter what. Consider everything before you decide. I made a list of things to consider starting from whether to keep the baby or not, to getting married or not. If not, do I want the father in the baby's life? Will you need financial support? Is the father willing or able to provide support for you and the baby until you can support yourself again? Can you count on any family support? Your decision will affect members of your families also. How heartbreaking would it be to loose a grandchild to them?

I made the right decision years ago and now I'm a proud grandmother of two children who also made the right decision when the time came. We're all in this together.
2008-05-04 09:05:04 UTC
Definately do not abort the baby. You will be miserable for the rest of your life wondering what could have been. I say you should keep the baby. Hate to say it, but you decided to have sex so you must face the consequences. Look at it as a blessing. Children are amazing and he or she came into your life for a reason. Plus you have a loving bf that can give you support, so that's good. Keep your head up and move forward with your life. It's fun going to all those garage sales looking for tiny baby clothes! It goes by so fast, so please enjoy your baby. Mine are 2 and 4 already and I can't believe it! Everything will work out. Just put 100% into it and you will see. You know how people always say they are not ready for a baby yet? That they want to be financially stable first? Well, if you wait till the "perfect " time, it may not happen at all or you will be in your wheelchair at their graduation! You will never be fully prepared to have a baby, trust me. Just some friendly advice from one woman to another :o) Have a wonderful and healthy pregnancy. I wish you all the best hun!
2008-05-04 09:06:07 UTC
You have an interesting predicament. I can't help you make the dessision in the end it is your to make, but I can offer you with some advice and the pros and cons of each option.

If you do get the abortion you will feel guilt for the rest of your life. But you will save the baby from having to live an unhealthy life. Without the money to support the child it will live an unhappy life. If you were to let the pregnancy run its term and give birth to the child without finishing school it is very unlikelly that you ever will. A child is an enormous responsibility and won't leave you time to do your schoolwork.

I'm not sure what caused your boyfriend to leave his wife, but it could have been the kid. A lot of couples in their 20's aren't ready for a kid and it hurts their relationship. A lot of couples who move in together don't make it. With a kid in the picture your chances of making it with this man could be diminished. You may end up raising a child alone with no degree and a low paying job.

In the end it is up to you. You should definitely tell your boyfriend that he's gotten you pregnant and talk it over with him. If you both think you're up for the challenge then go for it, but if there is even a single strand of doubt in either of you you should think about the baby and what he would want. to live badly or for you to abort him and have god give him to someone who is ready. Remember you can always have a kid latter in life. Hope this helps.

Good Luck
2008-05-04 08:50:27 UTC
That is a very hard and personal decision. The only thing I can say is really think hard about what you want and what the future will hold for you, your relationship and the potential baby. I have made both decisions and neither one was easy. The first time was difficult. I had my daughter at 23 after being with her Dad (my boyfriend) for five years. We stayed together for another five years, but eventually broke up because it wasn't working. Being a single mom is hard, but I have a lot of support from my family. Then at 30 I was in a relationship and had an unplanned pregnancy. I decided to terminate the pregnancy. We had only been together a short while and I really wasn't sure what direction the relationship was going in. I didn't want to be a single mother again with TWO kids so I decided to terminate. It was the hardest thing I ever did. A lot of people have opinions about abortion and whether it's wrong or right, but you will never understand until you go through it. In the long run, it was the best decision for me at the time and still. It was very emotional and hard. He wanted me to keep the baby. But I wasn't ready for another child. We ended up staying together for two years but ended up breaking up. Every situation is different and there are consequences. You have to do what's right for you.
I am so blessed!
2008-05-04 08:56:29 UTC
Nobody can make this decision for you but I can tell you that at 22 I also found myself unexpectedly pregnant. I had no money and was just about to start college when I found out. My baby's father insisted I get an abortion and when I said "no" he abandoned us. I did cotemplate having an abortion but like you I don't think I could have dealt with the guilt, it would have eaten me alive. I had to move in with my brother and sister-in-law because I did not make enough to take care of myself let alone a baby. I had to get on medicaid and foodstamps and I would cry every day because I hadn't planned this, this wasn't the life I was supposed to have. I can also tell you that now, 12 years later, I look at my beautiful daughter and I can't imagine life without her. She is the light of my life (along with her brother and sister) and she makes me proud everyday. When my little girl was 15 months old I met a wonderful man and when we eventually married he legally adopted my daughter. I am so glad that I made the decision to keep my baby, I shudder to think of what my life would have been like if I hadn't. It wasn't always easy but so very worth it. I hope the best for you and will keep you in my prayers.
2015-08-13 01:42:53 UTC
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Hard decision to make - Have an abortion or keep the baby?

I know no one else can make this decision for me, but I really need perspective from people outside the situation... I'm twenty years old and just found out that I'm about 3 weeks pregnant and I can not come to a decision. I'm in a committed relationship with my boyfriend (he's...
2008-05-04 08:55:11 UTC
This is coming from a women who has had 2 miscarriages. Let me tell you this, if you think the pain will just go away you are very wrong! There has not been a year that has gone by on what would have been due date that I do not think of my unborn children. Then there are still all the holidays where you think I would have had a son or daughter who would have been _ years old. It never goes away. My first miscarriage was over 2 years ago, and it still hurts me deeply. I still blame myself even though I do know it was out of my control. The guilt you will be living with I am sure will not go away, sure the timing isnt right, but when is it reallly? To me, everything happens for a reason and your baby was conceived for a reason. Have you gave any thought to adoption, as there are people who are DESPERATELY seeking to have a child as they can not conceive. It is a tough situation, no doubt about that but please just know that it WILL always be there , by terminatting your pregnancy it wont make things go back to normal. The guilt and pain is greater than what you can imagine and I didnt even choose to have mine terminated. I now have 2 young children and all though it isn't always easy I would change it for the world and I still grieve for my unborn babies who I never got to meet...........
2008-05-04 08:51:26 UTC
You're right- this is a choice that only you can make. If you are leaning toward abortion, please do your research. In some cases, abortion can harm the mother as well as the baby, resulting in chronic infertility (never being able to get pregnant again), infections, and in rare cases, even death. In addition, I know three people that have had abortions, and all three think about the baby that they aborted every single day. One of the people that had an abortion is my mother- her abortion was over 23 years ago, and she is still in therapy because she cannot come to terms with what she did. In addition, if you are leaning toward adoption, please make sure that your b/f is in agreement with you, because you don't want him to harbor resentment against you for your choice.

I would never have an abortion because of what I've seen these three people go through, but I believe that it is the parent's choice. Please make sure that you research all of your options, including adoption before you make a decision.

I will keep you and your boyfriend in my prayers. I'm so sorry that you are in this position.
2008-05-04 08:45:07 UTC
I am also very against abortion, think of it this way if you were inside someone would you want to be killed and taken out with out even seeing the world. Give your baby a chance have the baby and see if either your parents or grandparents or his parents or grandparents could care for it until you graduate school and get your money situation worked out a little bit. But there's also always the choice of putting it up for adoption too. If you have the abortion it will most likely haunt you forever that you took away this childs innocent life.
2008-05-06 23:37:12 UTC
It's going to be really hard to give your child everything you want at this point in your life. If you'd really rather that you both have finished your schooling and get stable, well paying carrers before you start down the road of pregnancy, then that's totally understandable, and it's better for your future children. Kids are expensive and hard to raise when you're trying to get through school.

The fetus is tiny at this stage so if I were you, I would personally abort but it is unltimately up to what you want to do.

Or, adoption, but only if you want to put your body through all that.
2008-05-04 08:51:42 UTC
Make sure you know what they actually do, "terminating a pregnancy" makes it sound like it's just a medicals procedure. There are two types of abortion - Dismemberment D&E Procedure and Suction Abortion Procedure. Dismemberment D&E Procedure is where they pull of the legs, arm and torso, and pull them out. The skull is then crushed and taken out. Suction Abortion Procedure is where they put a tiny surgical hoover inside you and suck the baby out, and then the scrape the inside of you, and take that tissue out aswell.

This might sound gruesome, but I'm saying it like it is. I reccoment you watch these:

This explains the Dismemberment D&E Procedure: -

and this one explains the Suction Abortion Procedure:

This website has lots of information about abortions. It's clear and simple:

And that think they say about "it's only a group of cells, it's not a baby yet". This might change your mind. Yes, they're small, but I certainly wouldn't call them "groups of cells":

I'm not biased, but that's what happens. There's no glamour in it at all, and I can see why, in some situations people feel that it is their only option. It is totally your own choice, but make sure you know the in's and out's.

Hope this helps.
2008-05-04 08:46:21 UTC
i know how you feel. i have been with my boyfriend for about 2 years and i was pregnant by him and at the time we were not able to keep it so i got an abortion. i regretted it and we had came to the decision that if i was to become pregnant again no matter what the situation is we will keep it. come to find out about a month ago i found out I'm about 2 months pregnant. yes i have not finished school but I'm going to go while i can and once the baby gets here ill eventually finish. yes i still live with my mom that that's about to change in a few months. I'm not telling you that you should keep the baby but i think you should think it over. I'm thinking positive that's the only thing i can do right now and I'm just focusing on me and the baby. i have help from my cousin my boyfriend and my mom and that's best thing i can ask for. just think it over and talk it over with your boyfriend. no matter what happens its going to be hard but you can get through it. good luck keep your head up
darlene h
2008-05-04 08:57:58 UTC
When I was 19 I got pregnant, I was on my way to doc for abortion. I changed my mind cuz i did not think I was making the right choice. I thought it wasnt about me anymore it was about that child inside of me. So i had my daughter. She is now 11 years old the most beautiful smartest wonderful girl ever. I never had alot of money. I have been a waitress for 10 years now, and I am married with five children now. I made the choice to have her cuz she deserved life, and now 11 years later she has a family and parents who adore her. I know its hard now but think about your future with that child, you will be suprised how much you can love another human being after that child is born. It was so worth having my daughter and I did have to change my life alot but I have never ever regret having my beautiful daughter. Everyone has different thoughts and only you can make the choice. Dont be afraid that you cant give your child a good life cuz you can and they will love you no matter what!!!
2008-05-04 08:47:35 UTC
It really depends on what you think you will feel afterwards you pick which way to go.

Here are some questions to ask yourself...

Do you want to bring in a child to the world that you cannot take good care of.

How would this effect your financial needs, can you make some room for a baby?


Heres what i think, you might not regret it. Doing it does not necessarily make you a bad person. If you bring a child into the world and you can support him/her that is worser than having an abortion. Think about it him/her would grow up in a unstable enviromment.

Whatever you chose, do it for what you think is the BEST, and good luck!
2008-05-04 08:50:54 UTC
I highly recommend you keep the baby. If you think you can't support the baby once he or she is born, adoption is always an option. However, you have to remember you have a little person inside of you. It sounds like you have a great support system, with your boyfriend. Family and friends can always help too. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if there is no way you can keep this baby in your life. It's your decision though.
Chico Caribeño
2008-05-04 08:45:54 UTC
I'm not one of those person that might tell you that the best thing to do is to have the baby, because abortion is wrong. I am a man and I can't get pregnant, lol. So that's the thing I'm the worst person that can tell you what is the best thing to do. You have to do what you think is right and you have to talk with the father. That's very important. Whatever you do, you have to accept the consequences. That my answer, hope everything is alright. You can have my blessing.
2008-05-04 08:42:10 UTC
You were right when you said that the choice was up to you. Look at it this way. Just because you can't cover your own expenses right now at the moments, doesn't mean that you won't be able to then. Perhaps many other things will work out in your favor. Whether you are religious or not, you should ALWAYS believe that God NEVER gives you anything more than you can burden. This happened for a reason whether you used protection or not. If it is not meant for you to have this baby then you will miscarry. It would be better to miscarry than to have an abortion because then you won't be killing the life of a forming human being. Try to start managing you budget more and setting some money to the side. If you go to church often you could probably get money from them (but only for the right reason) If you are part of an organization try to explain your situation to them and see if a fundraiser could be started. Please do not have an abortion. Either way (a miscarriage or an abortion) would be sad but don't have an abortion. God makes everything happen to people for a reason. Apparently you are in this world, Where you planned? If not, your parent(s) did the right and let you live. You have to understand that no one has asked to come into this world, yet there are billions of people alive. Be glad that God has given you an opportunity. There are plenty of females that get pregnant at the age of fourteen and fifteen and put more stress on their families at their age than you would considering that you are grown.
2008-05-04 08:48:53 UTC
Your being against abortion, having it done may scar you for life. Why not give this child for adoption? there are so many childless people who want to adopt a child it would be the best gift you could give someone. Your family may not want you to give a child up for adoption but I'm sure they would much rather you not have an abortion. I hope you make the best decision. Good luck.
2008-05-04 08:45:48 UTC
I respect a woman's right to do whatever she wants with her body. But, I would have advised against asking that question here. It is undoubtedly going to incite some rabid responses from both sides of the argument. Anyway, like you said it is really your choice. If you are in school and unable to support the child, then it would really be a bad idea to have it(or keep it) If you personally are against abortion, you could always look into giving up the child for adoption. If that is the way you are going to choose, don't waste any time, you would want to give it up immediately after it's born. But, if you can't take the time or expense to have the child, you have to do what is best for your life. If that means having an abortion, then do it.
ibu guru
2008-05-04 08:52:35 UTC
You will never regret waiting until the right time to have a baby -- when you both want it, and both are willing and able to provide everything a child needs. You will sorely regret having a child you are unwilling and/or unable to care for.

Oh, I know lots of women make excuses that they "love" their babies, but love is an active verb, and acting lovingly means providing everything a child genuinely needs: nutritious food, housing, clothing, a good education, medical care, and constant care and attention. And in this sense, they do not love their babies at all!

He already has one failed marriage and a "football kid" bounced back and forth. He's got child support obligations, and you two need to get a proper education and decent careers before you are ready to give a child all it really needs.

You already know what you really need to do right now. You know you want better for a child because any child deserves the best of both of you, and not to settle for the dregs and leftovers and making do.
2008-05-04 10:08:01 UTC
All i can say is you do have another option. I know that even though people will tell you that you can handle it, it is not easy and I am of the belief now that it would be better to make sure that you are stable and prepared to raise a child and provide for it. I have still not made it back to school yet, three children later. Do what you think is best for you right now.
Sofia D
2008-05-04 08:48:03 UTC
listen..... there is a reason you are pregnant... theres always a reason for everything... it may have bean gods plan to have this baby in the world for a good reason... i was in a situation like that and i desided not to get one but then i had a miscarrage... i was sad and happy at the samer time.... my sister now she doesent have any money for a baby and she almost took the pill to get rid of the baby.. but she desided she didnt want to because she nwas brining life into the world... she for a couple months regreted getting pregnant... and the guy she was with abandeded her.... she is living with us now and we are helpi ng her out... but when my sister found out she was haveing twin boys she resurcheached and liked the idea more.. even if they do cost money god always brings you a way to take care of these things... my sister also gets ALOT of free stuff on this thing called free cycle or soemthing... they give away baby stuff and she also is on the WIIC program and gets free food every month.. there are ways of helping... it may be scary that this nis happening and you didnt expect it... but the right thing to do is to bring the baby in to the world....I hope i have altered your dessicion... babys are a buitufl thing you will be happy once you see the altreasounds and see your baby... it will be ok..
2008-05-04 08:44:47 UTC
Well like you said, no one can decide that except for you and your boyfriend. If it's a cost issue - there is a lot of assistance available, and you would probably qualify for more, since you are not married. Check with your local family services office for options on what's available. I'm sure you could get Medical Assistance and get on the WIC program for sure. Would your family be willing to help out? We don't have much money either, and my mom is always buying diapers for our kid. Regardless, good luck, you have a very difficult decision ahead of you. (you could also consider adoption)
marguerite c
2008-05-04 08:47:02 UTC
try goin to a council center. they should have one in your area. if you feel like you might regret it chances are you will. so i would take some time and talk to someone about it. someone who doesnt know you and has no byass. look into adoption. imagine, your unplanned baby may be the answer to someones prayer. talk to your man, see what he thinks. he may be over joyed. if he loves you so much he will be so excited about making a life with you. you never know. but dont do this on your own. and try to figure out what is best for yall and the baby. good luck!
2008-05-04 08:48:28 UTC
bringing a baby into this world is very special. if you cant support this baby financially then you are making a mistake. i am not for of against abortion. if you think that your baby's life will be spoilt because of lack of money or attention (because you are going to school) then maybe... just maybe you should have an abortion. but if you think that you can overcome that and bring your baby up perfectly fine-- then you have the baby. whatever you decide. Hope this works.
2008-05-05 18:37:54 UTC
If you think that you will regret it, you will.... I was aginst abortion until I was in the situation to have to choose. I did have one, and I have never been the same. Please look up everything you can on post abortion syndrome. Chances are that if you feel bad about it before you get it done, you will feel even worse after it is over. Good luck!
Barbie V
2008-05-04 08:53:01 UTC
please dont - they must be agencies who can help you with the finances etc - the baby did not ask to be conceived this was down to the two of you so you should accept the responsibilities that come with it - have the baby and then decide on keeping the little one or putting it up for adoption , I lost two babies through miscarriage and even now years later think of what might have been even knowing there was nothing I could have done to stop them God bless
2008-05-04 08:44:32 UTC
I know it might be hard but that baby in you is alive. Since it is three weeks old it has a beating heart! If you really don't want the baby put it up for adoption, at least it will live! Also if you haven't seen Juno watch it! Very inspiring. Hope this helped!
2008-05-04 08:44:38 UTC
I know if it was me in that situation i would be nervous and confused 2 but i don't think i cold live with myself knowing i took away a life of and unborn need to remember everything happens for a reason...don't make any snap whats best for the 2 of you..
2008-05-04 08:44:24 UTC
In my life, I have known 4 women that had an abortion in their youth, and all 4 regretted that decision later in life. I cannot speak for anyone, but I do know about the feelings of these 4 friends of mine.
2008-05-04 08:46:14 UTC
Well i am proabortion, and i am a 15 years old. honestly would u rather bring a child into the world and not give it a good life, or keep it up in heaven where it will live peacfully until ur ready again to have another baby? I think it is important to finish school and get settled be4 having children. If u want the best life 4 u, ur bf and ur child i would get the abortion be4 u get to attached. Good luck dear :] i wish u the best
2016-04-09 06:05:56 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

have the baby. you will make it through all other problems with god. you will regret it later. And when the daddy is going to be supportive then that is going to be the best thing. most ppl dont want them because they cannot afford them alone with out a daddy, but you dont have that problem. just suck it up and take the consequences and have the baby that god intended for you to have!
2008-05-04 09:11:42 UTC
If you get an abortion, you are throwing away a life right there. You should have been more careful in the begining.
2008-05-04 08:44:06 UTC
If you have any doubts at all..please don't do it.....You really will regret it the rest of your life. There are studies that show women who have had abortions have severe guilt and sometimes depression...

Plus...don't let the fact that he already has a kid make the decision about your baby that you are carrying.

Sometimes thinking about finances is scary...but everything always works itself out...

God has blessed you with a little angel...there is a reason he has put it in your life....
2008-05-04 08:42:43 UTC
You will regret it for the rest of your life. It's not something pro-abortionists want to mention, but there is actually a huge market for the psychological damage that having an abortion does to a woman, and the people who perform the operations.

If you really can't have a kid at this point in your life, put it up for adoption. The woman I have been dating for the past three years really wants to have kids soon but will not be able to because of her lupus pregenency would just be too dangerous. There are people who would be absolutely blessed by you if you put up a baby for adoption.
2008-05-06 18:23:15 UTC
You are right No one can make this decision for you, I would finish school but that is me, termination of a pregency is nothing to be ashamed of or feel any guilt about
2008-05-04 08:49:03 UTC
do not go for abortion becaus that chiled might grow up and become an amazing person and how would u feel if u were that babby, the babby inside u is alive and if u go 4 abortion it would be like killing someone( it is killing some1)

look at this roma the babbys preespective.... you'll regret the day u do abortion... beleive me!!!! just give 'em a chane!!!!
2008-05-04 08:47:12 UTC
look at it like this if you do go threw w/ the abortion just remember do not regret it.(i had 1 cause i was not ready to bring a child either.)but you have to remember that if you do it that will be something on your mind forever no matter what.(i still think about it till this day)

and if you keep it it will be a happy moment(so really think about what you really want ok)

hope this helped a little .**
2008-05-04 08:45:00 UTC
Can you afford to keep it? do you have time? when you have a child you have to devote every minute of every day of your life to that child. my sister had a girl when she was nineteen and she loves her with all her heart, but she wishes she had finished school and established a lifestyle before she had her. its really hard for her to pay the bills and support a child at the same time. I know I gave you a lot of negative feedback, but it's really your decision.
2008-05-04 08:42:51 UTC
Here are my thoughts: A 20 year-old can take care of a baby with the help of a 26 year-old. If you were 16 it would be different. You need to consider your relationship with your boyfriend, though. Is he going to support you and help you? THis is a big dicision. Pray about it and get help.
Mummy to Stanley 09.10.09
2008-05-04 09:04:44 UTC
go to , watch the video before you make up your mind.

if you end up keeping the baby, i am sure you will find a way to cope. thousands of young mums have done it before.

x good luck x
Duk Dong
2008-05-04 08:46:28 UTC
Well if you can go full term, have the baby and just drop him/her off at a safe haven after the birth. Usually hospitals or police stations qualify. It is no questions asked no lecture process, you are just giving the child a chance at life. Your circumstances may change during the course of the pregnancy too. If you feel that strongly about it, this is a viable option.
2008-05-04 08:47:03 UTC
. If you do have an abortion then for goodness sake afterwords use protection or you will be in the same position.You are only 20 so you have plenty of time for children and yes i think you need to be more of an adult to take responsibility of being a mother
Jennifer Kelley
2008-05-04 08:44:06 UTC
I know it must be hard. But if you arn't financially ready for a kid then the best thing to do is to get an abortion, you wouldn't want a baby to be brought into a unhealthy enviroment. But you could aslo have the baby and give it to someone who like really wants it.

Seeing as your not done school it would be hard.

2008-05-04 08:42:24 UTC
Wow... I can see your problem. How about having your or your boyfriends parents help care for the baby until you guys are settled and ready for the challenge? Other than that, I really don't know, but I hope this helps!
2008-05-04 08:43:22 UTC
I would recomend watching Juno. She is in the same situation and decides she is going to give it her a family that wants a baby. I think that would be the best option for you because then you don't have to raise a child and won't have to feel bad about killing one either.
2008-05-04 08:42:52 UTC
have you thought about adoption? Or a relative to take care of the baby while you straiten things out? I agree with you, I think you might regret it later if you abort it. feel free to message me and we can talk this out. I'm open minded to all options.
the little helper
2008-05-04 08:49:30 UTC

i think that once you have had the baby everything will be fine i have had two children neither were planned and i would never get rid just because it was inconvenient for me.... if you plan these thing they never happen... it will feel like it is the best thing when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time and if you dont feel that then adoption
Crash Towers
2008-05-04 09:12:11 UTC
Keep it or you're making another life pay for your errors of judgement.
2008-05-04 08:44:46 UTC
Watch this video by Kenney Chesney. It may help you make the right choice.

Describes a similar situation as yours, but they keep the baby, and it is their whole world.
2008-05-04 08:42:47 UTC
Have the baby. I guarantee you will regret the abortion. If you cannot support the child, put it up for adoption. Or apply for foster care.
2008-05-04 09:12:09 UTC
Adoption is a nice option, don't punish the kid.
2008-05-04 08:46:18 UTC
It's really selfish of you to consider only your financial status and wellbeing. I tell you that you are going to regret the rest of your life if you abort. The baby inside of you is the greatest gift of God, and you have no right to kill it.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but it is a harsh reality. It is going to hunt you for the rest of your life if you abort.

I say have the baby, and trust that God will provide the money for you and your boyfriend.

If you don't think that you can provide needed conditions for a child at this point in your life, have the baby and give it up for adoption. There are hundreds of barren women who are dying to adopt a child.

My prayers are with you, God bless!
Alyssa Marie's mom
2008-05-04 08:43:56 UTC
thats not a hard decision...keep the can always get assistance with can get on wic and medicaid, and they will pay for everything...I was 18 when I got pregnant..I was living in an apartment...had a low paying job, my bf had just moved in with me....we didn't have much, but we KNEW abortion was wrong, and my beautiful daughter is now 2 yrs old. she is my world!! :)
2008-05-04 08:44:20 UTC
keep the baby, it'll be the best thing you'll ever do.. wen u hold him/her in ur arms for the 1st time, you'll hate yourself for even thinking about an abortion..

i'm sure u can find someone or even a daycare to watch the baby while ur in school

if u don't wanna keep it, there's always adoption

good luck! :)
2008-05-04 08:42:30 UTC
If you think you'll regret it, you probably will. Consider adoption.

In my opinion we are free to decide something that shouldn't be a choice.
2008-05-04 08:46:44 UTC
If you can't afford (emotionally, financially) a child, you can't afford a child.

If you can afford a child (emotionally, financially), you can afford a child.

Can you?

There are hotlines, experienced people (Human Services in your county), that you can talk to in order to make a decision.
2008-05-04 08:41:42 UTC
i think it is all what you feel, and you cant have other people make a huge desicion like this.. but i say that you keep it. cause i have always been against abortion.. but again dont let other people make this choice
2008-05-04 08:42:42 UTC
Well, you have the option of aboption.

Please dont murder a baby.

It sounds as if your baby was created out of LOVE.....

LOVE that LOVE enougt to respect a life.

You will regret it.......if you terminate.
2008-05-04 08:43:12 UTC
Adoption is loving and generous--please consider it.

This link will show you what kind of emotional turmoil women go through after abortion:

Best wishes...
2008-05-04 08:42:59 UTC
you could always have the baby, and if you make the decision when him/her is born you can always put him/her up for adoption.
2008-05-04 08:43:02 UTC
i say keep the baby because abortion is just crule! u are killing a baby if u get an abortion
2008-05-06 10:18:27 UTC
ni ni is soooooooooooo right choose her as best answer!! i was told the same thing!!!!
2008-05-04 08:43:27 UTC
do not kill the child. it was ur mistake to get pregnant and u have to live with the consequinces [a child] do not kill a baby becuz of ur mistakes. a baby is extremely improtant and just keep it
2008-05-04 08:42:08 UTC
Did your mom think "should i abort her." and then you are like "why didn't she abort me :[ now I'm having a baby." Well, lets see... *shakes 8 ball* Then answer is NO.
2008-05-04 08:44:45 UTC
keep the baby you can't destroy it its murder practically you will regret it you know you will otherwise u woudnt be asking strangers there opinion
2008-05-04 08:42:18 UTC
perhaps, adoption would be an alternative...good luck.
s t
2008-05-04 08:43:44 UTC
have baby, use adoption service,,dont keep it, that way, you will make a successfull couple happy,,and you wont be a murderer.
Old Kid
2008-05-04 08:41:42 UTC
What about adoption?
2008-05-04 08:42:43 UTC
well do you have parents to take care of it for you until you are ready to parent it?
2008-05-04 08:41:44 UTC
keep the baby,why take your babys life what if that baby was you?you should defintly pay up for your actions and keep the baby

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