Make sure you know what they actually do, "terminating a pregnancy" makes it sound like it's just a medicals procedure. There are two types of abortion - Dismemberment D&E Procedure and Suction Abortion Procedure. Dismemberment D&E Procedure is where they pull of the legs, arm and torso, and pull them out. The skull is then crushed and taken out. Suction Abortion Procedure is where they put a tiny surgical hoover inside you and suck the baby out, and then the scrape the inside of you, and take that tissue out aswell.
This might sound gruesome, but I'm saying it like it is. I reccoment you watch these:
This explains the Dismemberment D&E Procedure: -
and this one explains the Suction Abortion Procedure:
This website has lots of information about abortions. It's clear and simple:
And that think they say about "it's only a group of cells, it's not a baby yet". This might change your mind. Yes, they're small, but I certainly wouldn't call them "groups of cells":
I'm not biased, but that's what happens. There's no glamour in it at all, and I can see why, in some situations people feel that it is their only option. It is totally your own choice, but make sure you know the in's and out's.
Hope this helps.