2010-01-22 02:45:43 UTC
I think I might be pregnant I missed most of my pill packet.
I had sex on 26th december and my period came after i had sex on the same day. it lasted for two days then disapeared.
began my pill again four days after my period and i stopped taking the pill last friday 15th jan
and i had what i thought was my period on monday 18th jan
it started off with brown blood then went into very light bleeding/spotting and sorry to sound disgusting but there was some cervical mucus that i only saw for one day. the bleeding/spotting lasted for 3 days.I usually have very heavy periods that last for 6-7 days.
I aven't got a clue when i ovulate or how often my period is so I'm a bit confused!
I am also very tired and I am getting terribel headaches and sinus problems.
I done a preg test two days ago but it was neg was it too early to test? when should i test?
Sorry if it is confusing!