What's the name?
2007-02-19 18:53:00 UTC
I've been searching for a Scottish name that sounds like "Oz" in the beginning. Anybody know names like that? A few years ago a friend of mine mentioned a name that sounded similar to "Ozondria" or something and the spelling started with something like Aus. Any links, search tips, etc would be helpful.
Three answers:
Carrie C
2007-02-19 19:31:07 UTC
I went to google, and typed in 'irish baby names' a few months back, and some sites cropped up. Try that. Also, try scottish or celtic baby names and see if you have any luck!
2007-02-20 03:06:28 UTC
OMG caramelvix3n has way to much time on her hands
2007-02-20 03:04:05 UTC
scottish girl names

Adairia from the oak-tree ford

Aila from the strong place

Aileana from the green meadow

Aileas Noble, Kind

Ailsa Victorious Island

Alastair Scottish feminine form of...

Alpina blond

Anice Scottish form of Ann (gra...

Annabel beautiful grace

Annabella beautiful grace

Athdara from the oak-tree ford

Barabal Exotic, Mysterious, Stran...

Beathas wise

Beileag Consecrated to God

Beitris Blessed Traveller

Beth lively

Blaire Field of battle.

Bonni From the French bon meani...

Bonnibelle From the French bon meani...

Bonnie Good, Pretty Girl

Bonnie-jo From the French bon meani...

Bonny-jean From the French bon meani...

Bonny-lee From the French bon meani...

Bradana salmon

Cadha from the steep place

Cailleach hag

Caillic hag

Caoimhe Beautiful

Christy Christian

Coira seething pool

Cullodena from the broken mossy gro...

Cullodina from the broken mossy gro...

Cumina From Comines

Daracha from the oak

Davena Feminine form of David.

Donaldina World Leader

Eara from the east

Edeen from Edinburgh

Edine from Edinburgh

Edme Loved

Effie Spoken Well Of

Eimhir Swift

Eiric ruler

Eirica ruler

Elspet Consecrated to God

Elspeth Consecrated to God

Erskina from the top of the cliff

Evanna right-handed

Evina right-handed

Fearchara dear one

Fearcharia dear one

Fia dark of peace

Finola White, Fair Shoulder

Fionola White, Fair Shoulder

Firtha armo of the sea

Forbia headstrong

Frangag Of France

Fyfa from Fifeshire

Gaira short

Garia short

Gavenia white hawk

Gavina white hawk

Gilbarta pledge

Gordana heroic

Gordania heroic

Grear watchful

Grizel Gray Battle

Grizela Scottish form of Grizelda...

Gunna white

Ianna God is Gracious

Inghea daughter

Inghean Daughter

Inghinn daughter

Iseabail Consecrated to God

Iseabal Scottish form of Isabel c...

Ishbel Consecrated to God

Isobel Consecrated to God

Jaimelynn Pet form of James used as...

Jamesina Supplanter, Representativ...

Jamia Pet form of James used as...

Jamielee Pet form of James used as...

Jamilyn Pet form of James used as...

Janette Gracious, Merciful

Jannet Variant of Jane; from the...

Janneth Variant of Jane; from the...

Jaymie Pet form of James used as...

Keir Marshland

Keite Forest

Kenina Handsome, Fiery

Kenzy The fair one. Abbreviatio...

Kin from the top of the cliff

Kirsteen Anointed, Follower of Chr...

Kirstie Anointed, Follower of Chr...

Kirstin Follower of Christ

Kirsty Anointed, Follower of Chr...

Lachina Of Norway, Land of the Lo...

Lair Mare

Laire mare

Larena serves Lawrence

Leana serves John

Leslee Derived from name of a pr...

Lezlie Name of a prominent Scott...

Lileas Lily

Lilias Lily

Lillias Lily

Lioslaith dwells at the gray fortre...

Machara plain

Maighread Pearl

Mairi bitter

Maisie child of light

Malina Follower of St. Columbia

Malmuira dark-skinned

Malmuirie dark-skinned

Marcail pearl

Marsaili Pearl

Maura Great

May Scottish form of Margaret...

Mhairi Bitter

Moibeal lovable

Moire bitter

Moireach lady

Mordag Sea Warrior

Moyra Noble

Muira from the moor

Muire bitter

Muireall Bright Sea


Nairna dwells at the alder-tree ...

Nairne from the narrow river gla...

Nandag Gracious

Nathaira snake

Nathara snake

Neilina Cloud Champion

Nessa from the headland

Nighean young woman

Nighinn young woman

Odara meaning unknown

Odaria meaning unknown

Peigi Pearl

Raghnaid Battle Advisor

Raoghnailt lamb

Rhona Rough Island

Robena robin

Rodina Famous, Powerful Ruler

Ronalda Advisor, Ruler

Ros from the peninsula

Rose flower

Rossalyn Cape

Saundra Protector of Mankind

boy names:

Abhainn River

Acair anchor

Acaiseid anchor

Achaius friend of a horse

Adhamh of the earth

Aibne River

Ail from the stony place

Ailbert noble

Ailean handsome

Ailein from the green meadow

Aillig from the stony place

Aindrea Courageous, Valiant, Manl...

Akir anchor

Alasdair Protector of Mankind

Albanact myth name

Aleck Defender of mankind. Vari...

Alistair Protector of Mankind

Alistaire Variant of Alexander - d...

Alister Variant of Alexander - d...

Allister Variant of Alexander - d...

Alpin White

Aly defender of man

Amhlaidh Ancestor's Descendant

Amhuinn from the alder-tree river

Anderson Son of Andrew

Aoidh spirited

Aonghas United Strength

Argyle from the land of the Gaul...

Armstrang strong arm

Armstrong strong arm

Arregaithel from the land of the Gaul...

Artair bear

Athdar from the oak-tree ford

Athol place name

Atley Trouble maker

Aulay Ancestor's Descendant

Bac bank

Baen fair-skinned

Baigh From the upper part

BaIloch From the pasture

Baird Minstrel, Poet

Bairn child

Balfour from the pastureland

Balgair fox

Balgaire fox

Balloch from the pasture

Balmoral from the majestic village

Banner Flag; ensign bearer.

Barday From Berkeley

Bean fair-skinned

Beathan son of the right hand

Beiste beast

Bhaic bank

Bhaltair strong fighter

Bhatair Army Ruler

Bhradain salmon

Bhraghad from the upper part

Bhreac speckled

Bhric Speckled

Biast beast

Birk from a birch tree

Blaine Servant of St. Blaan

Both from the stone house

Bothain From the stone house

Bothan from the stone house

Boyd Blond, Yellow

Braden salmon

Braigh from the upper part

Breac speckled

Bretton Brit. A native of Brittan...

Brice speckled

Broc badger

Brochan broken

Broden Reference to Castle Brodi...

Broderic Brother.

Brodie from Brodie

Brodric Brother.

Brodrick Brother.

Broehain Broken

Brucie from Bruys

Bryce speckled

Bryceton Variant of Bryce.

Bryston Variant of Bryce.

Buchanan from the cannons seat

Busby meaning unknown

Caillen virile

Caladh harbor

Calan Contemporary variant of C...

Callum Bald dove

Cam crooked

Cambeul crooked mouth

Camdan from the winding valley

Camdin from the winding valley

Camhlaidh relic

Camp crooked mouth

Camshron crooked nose

Caraidland from the land between the...

Carbrey Chariot Driver

Carby Chariot Driver

Carmichael friend of Saint Michale

Carr from the broken mossy gro...

Cauley relic

Cawley relic

Ceard smith

Ceardach smith

Chaim crooked

Chait catlike

Chalmer rules the home

Chalmers son of the lord

Chattan clan of the cats

Chisholm from Chisolm

Clach stone

Cleit rocky eminence

Clennan servant of Finnian

Coire seething pool

Colin virile

Colquhoun from Colquhoun


Cormag Defiled Son

Craig dwells at the crag

Crannog lake dweller

Crayton Border dweller.

Crom crooked

Cruim crooked

Culloden from the nook of the mars...

Cumin From Comines

Cumming From Comines

Cunningham from Cunningham

Daibhidh Beloved

Daileass from the waterfall

Daimh ox

Daividh Beloved

Dallas from the waterfall

Dalyell from the little field

Dalziel from the little field

Dand Courageous, Valiant, Man

Davidson son of David

Dearg red

Deorsa Farmer

Dermid Free of Envy

Dhoire from the grove

Diarmad Free of Envy

Doire from the grove

Domhnull all-ruler

Donnachadh brown warrior

Donnchadh brown warrior

Doug from the dark water

Dougal black stranger

Doughall black stranger

Dougie from the dark water

Dour from the water

Drummand at the ridge

Drummond at the ridge

Dubhghlas Dark River

Dubhglas from the dark water

Dug from the dark water

Dugald Dark Stranger

Duggie from the dark water

Dunmor from the great hill fortr...

Dunmore from the great hill fortr...

Eachann Brown Horse

Eallair Cellar

Eanruig rules the home

Ear from the east

Earie from the east

Eigg meaning unknown

Eilig from the deer pass

Ellar Cellar

Elliot old Welshman

Erskine from the top of the cliff

Euan Noble Yew Tree Child

Ewen Noble Yew Tree Child

Faing from the sheep pen

Fang from the sheep pen

Farlan son of the furrows

Farlane son of the furrows

Farquhar Beloved Man

Farquharson son of the dear one

Feandan from the narrow glen

Fearchar dear one

Fearghas Vigorous Man

Fergus first choice

Ferguson son of the first choice

Fergusson son of the first choice

Fibh from Fifeshire

Fie dark of peace


Filib Friend of Horses

Fingal White, Fair Stranger

Fingall White, Fair Stranger

Finlay White, Fair Warrior

Finlay fair heroe, sunbeam ...

Finley White, Fair Warrior

Fionnghall White, Fair Stranger

Fionnlagh White, Fair Warrior

Fionntan White, Fiery Bull

Firth arm of the sea

Fletcher maker of arrows

Forbes Ford, Meadow

Frang Of France

Fraser strawberry flowers

Fyfe from Fifeshire

Gare short

Gaven white hawk

Gawain white hawk

Gawen white hawk

Gawyn white hawk

Gilchrist Christ's Servant

Gille Servant

Gilleabart pledge

Gilleasbuig bold

Gillecriosd Christ-bearer

Gillespie Bishop's Servant

Gillivray servant of judgment

Gilmat Sword bearer.

Gilroy Child of the Servant to t...

Glenn Glen, Valley

Godraidh Peace of God

Goraidh peaceful

Gordain hero

Gordan hero

Gow smith

Gowan smith

Graham from the gray home

Grear Watchful

Gregor Vigilant, Watchful

Griogair Vigilant, Watchful

Griorgair vigilant

Gunn White

Hamish Supplanter, Representativ...

Harailt leader

Hay from the stockade

Haye from the stockade

Heck Posessor

Heckie Posessor

Henderson son of Henry

Henson son of Henry

Home from the cave

Houston from Hughs town

Hume from the cave

Iagan Fiery

Iain gift from God

Ian gift from God

Iomhar Army Warrior with Bow

Ionhar Army Warrior with Bow

Irvin from the city

Irvine Wild Boar, Friend

Irving from the city

Islay Islay Island, Scotland

Iver archer

Jamieson Variant of Jacob Supplant...

Jock God is Gracious

Jockie God is Gracious

Jocky God is Gracious

Johnson son of John

Johnston from Johns farm

Kamden Winding Valley. Form of ...

KcKimmie Simon's Son

Kendrew Manly; brave. Form of And...

Kerk from the church

Kermichil from Michaels fortress

Kerr man of strength

Kinnon fair born

Kinny from the top of the cliff

Kirk from the church

Kirkland Church.

Kirklin Church.

Kirklyn Church.

Kyrksen Church.

Labhrainn Crowned with Laurel

Lachie Of Norway, Land of the Lo...

Lachlan warring

Laird lord, landed gentry ...

Lamont man of law

Laochailan warring

Laren serves Lawrence

Leathan river

Leith Wide River

Leod ugly

Livingstone from Livingston

Logen Low meadow.

Lornell Form of Lawrence.

Lundie from the island grove

Lundy from the island grove

Luthais famous warrior

Mac son of

Macadam son of Adam

Macadhamh son of Adam

Macalister son of Alasdair

Macalpin son of Alpine

Macalpine son of Alpine

Macandrew son of Andrew

Macarthur son of Arthur

Macaulay son of Olaf

Macauley Righteous

Macauslan son of Absalon

Macbain son of Beathan

Macbean son of Beathan

Macbeth son of Beth

Maccallum son of Callum

Maccinfhaolaidh son of Kinley

Macclennan son of the servant of Fin...

Maccloud son of the ugly man

Maccoll son of Coll

Macdaibhidh son of David

MacDhuBh Son of the blackman

Macdhuibh son of the black man

Macdomhnall son of the ruler of the w...

Macdonald son of the ruler of the w...

Macdonell son of the ruler of the w...

Macdougal son of Dougal

Macdoughall son of Dougal

Macdubhgall son of Dougal

Macduff son of the black man

Macewen son of Ewen

Macfarlane son of Farlan

Macfie son of the dark of peace

Macgillivray son of the servant of jud...

Macgowan son of the smith

Macgregor son of a shepherd

Machair plain

Machar plain

Macinnes son of the unique choice

Macintosh son of the thane

Macintyre son of the carpenter

Maciver son of an archer

Mack son of

Mackay son of fire

Mackendrick son of Henry

Mackinley son of Kinley

Mackinnon son of the fair born

Mackintosh son of the thane

Maclachlan son of Lachlan

Maclaine son of the servant of Joh...

Maclaren son of Laren

Maclean son of the servant of Joh...

Macleod son of the ugly man

Macmillan son of the bald man

Macnab son of the Abbot

Macnachtan son of the pure one

Macnaughton son of the pure one

Macneill son of the champion

Macniall son of the champion

Macnicol son of the conquering peo...

Macpherson son of the parson

Macquarrie son of the proud man

Macqueen son of the good man

Macrae son of grace

Macray son of grace

Madntyre Son of the carpenter

MaeAdam Son of Adam

Makolm Follower of Saint Columba

Malcom disciple of Saint Columbi...

Maolmuire dark-skinned

Math bear

Mathe bear

Matheson bear son

McCloud Son of the ugly man

McKim Simon's Son

Mealcoluim follower of Saint Columba

Menzies from Mesniers Normandy

Moncreiffe from the hill of the sacr...

Moray Sailor

Morogh man of the sea

Mufidy Man of the sea

Muir from the moor

Muirfinn dwells near the beautiful...

Mungo Kind

Munro Mouth of the Roe River

Munroe Mouth of the Roe River

Murdo Sea Warrior

Murdoc protector of the sea

Murdoch protector of the sea

Murdock protector of the sea

Murray Sailor

Nab abbot

Nachton pure

Nairne from the alder-tree river

Naoise Mythical Name

Nathair snake

Nathrach snake

Nathraichean snake

Naughton pure

Neacel Victorious People

Neakail Victorious people

Nealcail victorious people

Nechtan pure

Neil Cloud Champion

Neill Champion Form of Neil.

Niall champion

Nichol Victorious People

Nicol Victorious People

Ninian Saint's Name

Niven Young and Holy

Norval from the north valley

Odar meaning unknown

Ogilbinn from the high peak

Ogilhinn From the high peak

Ogilvie from the high peak

Ogilvy High Peak

Oidhche night

Oliphant great strength

Paden royal

Padruig royal

Paton royal

Peadar Rock

Pherson Parson

Pol Small, Humble

Quany Proud

Quarrie proud

Quarry proud

Rab Bright Fame

Rabbie Bright Fame

Raibeart Bright Fame

Ranald Advice, Rule

Ranulf Shield, Wolf

Ranulph Shield, Wolf

Ray grace

Rob Roy red Rob

Robertson son of Robert

Rodric Famous ruler.

Rodrick Famous ruler.

Ronald mighty powerful

Rorie Red King

Ross from the peninsula

Roy red

Royall Red.

Ruairi Red King

Ruairidh Red King

Ruaraidh Red King

Ruaridh Red King

Sachairi Remembered by God

Sawney Protector of Mankind

ScIymgeour Fighter

Scot wanderer

Scott wanderer

Scrymgeour fighter

Seoras Farmer

Seosaidh God Will Increase

Seumas Supplanter, Representativ...

Shawe terse

Sheiling from the summer pasture

Sheumais Supplanter, Representativ...

Sholto One Who Sows

Shug Heart, Mind, Spirit

Skene from Skene

Somerled Summer Traveler

Steafan Crowned


Steenie Crowned

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.