i saw pic of my husband? with two different girls?
2006-09-01 15:58:02 UTC
on fourth of july weekend my hub went to las vegas with his brother, they went for 4 days, he came back everything was cool. about a week later we went to his uncles house for a barbecue, his brothers girlfriend was there with all her hoe friends about 10 of them, they started talking about all the fun they had in vegas blah blah blah and i was shocked because he did not tell me that they went with them too! i asked him he said i didnt want to tell you because i knew you would get mad! so i start doing my research because i knew that one of them had a my space page and there you go,i saw all these pictures of him hugging these girls, im not going to lie these girls are all so beutiful there like dime pieces compare to me, im pregnant right know 30 weeks and we have a two year old. when i saw those pic i confronted him and he said there just pictures! he was like you cant prove anything, but i have a feeling he did somthing because im so ugly compare to them and it hurts me alot!
23 answers:
2006-09-01 16:08:37 UTC
Also, when a guy says "you can't prove anything," it's a big red flag! And the flag says, "I DID mess around in Vegas." Honey, people don't go to Vegas to behave and go to bed by 10pm. They go to do anything and everything they can't do at home.

P.S. I don't want to hear you say that you're ugly compared to them or to anyone, ever again!! ok?
2006-09-01 17:25:39 UTC
The bottom line is: he lied to you. He lied about who was on the trip, what he did with those people, and the fact that there are pictures of him with other women floating around on the web. He kept a secret. He chose not to include you in his life at that time.

Trust your gut. He probably did more than just hug and take pictures with these girls. You need to sit down and assess this situation. It is really worth feeling bad, upset and not trusting him all the time? He has not been a loving husband and has not taken your feelings into consideration.

"You can't prove anything" is like saying "Yes, I fooled around but so far you haven't caught me."

I know it's difficult being pregnant and already having a child together, but either he needs to get counseling with you, or you need to get out of there.

Don't stay for the kids. The kids will grow up in an unhappy household, and your little girl will grow up thinking that kind of disrespect is OK from a man.
luv him
2006-09-01 17:59:42 UTC
Oh girl, you are not ugly. This is the most beautiful thing that nature has to offer. You might be a little upset bacause you are pregnant. Is he staying out late? Not coming home? Does he have strange people calling his phone? Is there money missing that he can't account for?

These are all things that need to be thought of first. If he did take these pictures in Vegas, the just might be harmless.

Wait to see how you are feeling after you are done having the baby first. Then look into it some more. It might just be your hormones. I am not trying to upset you, but maybe it is. MY hormones were so out of whack....
Mr. H
2006-09-01 16:16:18 UTC
You're probably not as ugly as you think you are... just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you're ugly.

You need to have a good heart to heart with your husband. I live in Vegas and know 1st hand that guys are jerks. I'm married and out of respect for my wife, would keep myself away from other ladies, especially if I were to vacation in Vegas, without my wife, when I'd probably be drinking. When people come here, they get this attitude that they can do anything and it is OK because they're in "Vegas." What they don't realize is that houses can be destroyed and feelings hurt.

You need to get to the bottom of this for your safety and for the safety of your future baby.

Good luck, life it tough sometimes.
2006-09-01 16:59:47 UTC
here is one more for the commercials of "What happens in Vegas----Stays in Vegas"- if he is not honest about the females that went along on this trip I'm gonna just have a *small* guess that he is also not being honest about what else happened during those 4 days- my other comment is that you need to stop putting yourself down and comparing yourself to these other women- obviously he is with you and these girls have some promiscuity issues that need to be dealt with.

If nothing else- just remember that in a divorce you are entitled to *half* of everything AND you have 2 kids that he will have to pay support on--if he is really stupid enough to have pics taken and even think about straying maybe he needs to be reminded of how much it will cost him (literally and not so literally)

good luck- hopefully you two can sit down and discuss the trip and get past whatever hard feelings you may have. You have 2 wonderful kids to think about in this marriage and hopefully he realizes that too!
LiSa B
2006-09-01 16:36:31 UTC
Ok. You're pregnant, and you feel ugly. Believe me, I DID TOO! My baby is 3 months old and I still don't feel normal. When you're pregnant, you get very vulnerable, but to tell you the truth, I think that was horrible of your husband. You deserve better. Does he realize that YOU are carrying HIS child? Just to let you know, many men out there find pregnant women EXTREMELY atttractive, so give yourself credit- YOU DESERVE IT! bEING PREGNANT IS EXTREMELY HARD. I think you may need marriage counseling because if I ever saw pics of my fiance with other women, he would be dead meat- probably out of my life. I mean I trust him, but he would never go to Vegas without me! And for those dirty hoes- they'll get what they deserve for being so easy. You're beautiful and you need to know that. I'm positive your personality is out of this world compared to those girls. Good luck to you, I wish you the best, and Congrats! If you two don't end up together, it's alright. You'll make it without him, you're a woman, you're strong enough!
2006-09-01 16:21:52 UTC
I don't what a "dime piece "is but let me tell you something baby !

First,he KNEW that the brother's girlfriend and friends were going on trip,last time I checked pregnant women are portable too.

Second, your are not the "ugly"person in your house ,that dog of a husband is and he doesn't have any respect for you or ya'll family to treat you so carelessly.

Third,Although the chicks maybe beautiful on the outside, they are ugly on the inside to do that to you and your family.No respect at all.

Fourth, They wanted you to know thats why all the blah blah blah about trip when they all knew you weren't invited.

Fifth,he all but told you when he said "you can't prove anything"that means yes,I did it but you can't prove it.Yoy know ,you say you are ugly but ya'll have a 2 yr. old already,so if you are so ugly why did he stay with you and get you pregnant again?

You are carrying his baby and that makes you beautiful no matter what that piece of sh*t says or does.

My son in law is like that too ,a hoe ,and my daughter hasn't been with any other man in 11 years. We find that when she is her usual nice,caring,sweet wife he treats her horrible and when she forces herself to be mean and act like she don't care and go places with her friends he sure gets real nice real soon. Your husband knows he is in control.So act like you don't care where he is or when he comes home.He knows that you are insecure,BELIEVE that you are BEAUTIFUL. I believe you are.Be good to yourself and do what ever is best for you and your babies.Remember men are just like city buses.Another one will be by in about 20 minutes.Good luck.
2006-09-01 16:09:06 UTC
The part that would make me mad was that it was planned. He said he didn't want to hurt you, so he knew they would be there. And NEVER say you are ugly! You are not. He is a mean person, with no regards for your feelings. I feel bad you had to wait a week to find out. You have every right to feel hurt. I wish you well. You will get through this.
2006-09-01 16:14:37 UTC
I think you need to stop putting yourself down. Then you need to not make any decisions while you're pregnant, only because sometimes our hormones get the best of us. Make sure your husband is there for you during your delivery and pregnancy, then when you feel better do a little more investigating. Then he should apologize to you for being so insensitive to your feelings. What do you want to do? Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
2006-09-01 16:02:18 UTC
Well when ever a guy says "I didn't tell you because I knew you would get mad" that means that he probably was doing something or planning on doing something that was wrong. Trust me I have said it tons of times. You guys obviously have trust issues and it sounds like your heading down the path of good luck with all that but remember...What happens in Vegas...Stays in Vegas.
2006-09-01 16:09:51 UTC
I feel so bad for you. Your husband is a real ********. He should of been honest with you. I can't fathom how you must feel right now. Trust is so very important in a marriage, and he has betrayed your trust. I really don't know what advice to give you. I know you're pregnant, and real close to your due date. Also, I think you're selling yourself short hon. I bet you're not ugly, you're just feeling insecure because of what he did, and because you're so pregnant. Good luck. I wish I could be more helpful, he was very wrong ~
2006-09-01 16:09:05 UTC
Let me start off by saying, usually your first instinct is the correct one. Second, right now you need to remain calm because you're pregnant. Lastly, talk to his brother or maybe even one of the girls. Ask them to tell you up front. And lastly, discuss this with your husband calmly. Only you can decide whether or not you think he's lying.
looking for answers
2006-09-01 16:07:47 UTC
I would tell my husband that no I couldn't prove he did anything, but lying to me is unacceptable as well as being in a situation like that with other women. Ask him how he would feel if you were plastered on the Internet for others to see with two guys. Tell him that once is a mistake, if it ever happens again then obviously he didn't learn from him mistake and did not love and respect you enough for your feelings to matter so you would end the marriage. I am a firm believer in communication and boundaries. If we don't stand up for ourselves and respect ourselves no one else will.
2006-09-01 16:14:35 UTC
I'm sorry you have to live with this rat of a man!But why would you wanna have another kid with this man when you know his track record? He is a selfish man who is not serious about having a family to love. I'm sorry you're hurting but realize that most women feel somewhat unattractive when pregnant but they're really beautiful and they don't see it cuz they compare themselves to skinny chicks. Your husband is at fault for your low self esteem cuz of his lack of respect and attention. What a Rat!
2016-11-06 11:10:26 UTC
do you realize what 'severe assessment' ability? Paler skin, darker valuable aspects = severe assessment. the better the assessment, the extra female a individual looks. because of the fact of this some adult males look 'gay' even nonetheless they're promptly, because of the fact they have severe assessment valuable aspects. with out makeup, women have much less assessment and look paler/washed out, as a result no longer as astonishing/appealing. adult males with lighter eyelashes and lips look extra masculine. So yeah, there you bypass. that's all very diffused and appeals to our unconscious... I purely understand of this because of the fact i'm an artist. Lot's of individuals don't comprehend this.
2006-09-01 16:28:34 UTC
No matter what he is still your husband, he is oblige to support you and your child. Make sure you have everything in your name so with the house. Get him a big amount of life insurance too just in case. Trust is the word for both of you.
2006-09-01 16:19:40 UTC
Are you asking us what to do. If so . You need to forget it or leave him. Don't think that this is any fault of your own though. My rule of thumb is 3 strikes your out. Remember this because if you don't, you will end up never knowing a man that cares for you. We are out here. Keep in mind that we all make mistakes. Let him know how this made you feel. If he cares about you, you will see it. Good luck Mamma to be
2006-09-01 16:13:01 UTC
remember you are pregnant and probably very emotional right now. its normal to feel ugly when you are pregnant. your husband is supposed to make you feel better about yourself. maybe that is what he was trying to do - to protect you feelings. if he came back from vegas and acted normal - not too withdrawn or overyly loving, i don't think he did anything seriously wrong. but i don't know your husband.
2006-09-01 17:15:15 UTC
I think that when we are pregnant our imaginations work overtime. You are not ugly , you are pregnant with a beautiful child. He shouldn't have gone away with other girls. That is not acceptable to me.
Drea M
2006-09-01 16:15:29 UTC
I think that you need to tell him how uncomfortable you are.

U need to tell him that your confidence is dropping all because of that.

Im sure he thinks your beautiful no matter what.

He must love you
2006-09-01 17:22:34 UTC seriously need a talk with him and if he acts the same why that he did before, i suggest counciling.
2006-09-01 16:06:34 UTC
That's messed up. What's the web page so I can see if these are nice looking girls or its just pregnancy playing with your head.
2006-09-01 17:01:24 UTC
you can never trust anything on the computeer...just think about that and make your decision...

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