I don't what a "dime piece "is but let me tell you something baby !
First,he KNEW that the brother's girlfriend and friends were going on trip,last time I checked pregnant women are portable too.
Second, your are not the "ugly"person in your house ,that dog of a husband is and he doesn't have any respect for you or ya'll family to treat you so carelessly.
Third,Although the chicks maybe beautiful on the outside, they are ugly on the inside to do that to you and your family.No respect at all.
Fourth, They wanted you to know thats why all the blah blah blah about trip when they all knew you weren't invited.
Fifth,he all but told you when he said "you can't prove anything"that means yes,I did it but you can't prove it.Yoy know ,you say you are ugly but ya'll have a 2 yr. old already,so if you are so ugly why did he stay with you and get you pregnant again?
You are carrying his baby and that makes you beautiful no matter what that piece of sh*t says or does.
My son in law is like that too ,a hoe ,and my daughter hasn't been with any other man in 11 years. We find that when she is her usual nice,caring,sweet wife he treats her horrible and when she forces herself to be mean and act like she don't care and go places with her friends he sure gets real nice real soon. Your husband knows he is in control.So act like you don't care where he is or when he comes home.He knows that you are insecure,BELIEVE that you are BEAUTIFUL. I believe you are.Be good to yourself and do what ever is best for you and your babies.Remember men are just like city buses.Another one will be by in about 20 minutes.Good luck.