I was 21 when I was married and found out I was pregnant with my daughter on my 23rd birthday.
My daughter was born in November 2004. Five months after my daughter was born I found out I was pregnant with my son.
Neither one of my children were 'planned'. If I had to do all over again- I would without thinking about it.
I had two c-sections, my 2nd with more pain/complications etc. & in all honesty the pain I went through to have them- was worth it- and is only an afterthought.
My children are very close in age- and can be a huge handful at times. (Tonight they were both put to sleep and hour early due to nonstop temper tantrums) .. but in the morning their warm hugs, and smiles make even the worst nights worth it.
Having our children has enriched both mine and my husbands lives. We are a family together- its brought our marriage closer. I no longer just see my husband as my best friend and lover, (we've known each other since we were 3) but I see him as a daddy. He takes on the responsiblity of raising them with grace. It matured him and in my eyes- it makes him sexy!
My husband and I have both looked at each other during dinner (with both my kids strapped into their booster seats between us) giggling, and trying to get the food from the spoon/forks/ into their little mouths) and smiled knowing what we have at our little table is the best stuff on earth.
You can never really understand the joy of parenting until you have one.
I was an avid babysitter and babysitting is no prediction to how your future children /life will be.
My children have definately been worth the life changes! I'd do it again!
EDIT: I thought I'd add- while I hate the stretch marks, stretched out belly, the added weight gain that pregnancy left me... my husband still finds me attractive.. and the way he smiles at me while I take care of the kids- or put them to bed - or dress them - makes even the worst roll on my body worth it.
I'm a mommy- fat rolls and all- and still its worth it =)