Are you serious?
IMO, it's not okay for your friend to have a baby at sixteen. The good thing is that she is finishing high school and working. There are those who have kids when they shouldn't and expect others to take care of them and their children.
Why do you deserve to have a kid right now? You're 19 years old. I'm almost 21 and I don't think i'll be having kids for at least another 3-4 years.
Hun, you do not need a kid at your age, and if you're anything like how you appear online you definitely aren't ready for one right now. I'm glad you're in college, that's good. Finish school, get a job, meet a guy who you and him care for each other and support each other. Then you can even START to think about having a kid.
I'm so sick of kids and/or adults having kids when they're not financially or emotionally ready. Kids are expensive. And hard work. They shouldn't be brought into an environment with no money, no family, structure, etc. Please, get your life figured out and secured before you have a kid.
When you become a mom, you can't act like an early twenties woman. You have to act like a MOM. This means not a lot of partying, dating, fooling around. Your kid comes first. Let yourself experience your wild college days before having a kid. You'll only end up regretting it and you'll party while your toddler sits at home with a babysitter every weekend. I've seen this happen too many times.
Yeah, college is a pain. But what did you expect? It's school. The first two years suck because you're taking the same classes as high school. Wait until you can take classes that go with the career you want. Just rough through it and i'm sure it'll pay off in the end.
Just please, think about your future children and don't have them until you're ready in every sense of the word. It's not a bad thing to wait. If you like kids so much, get a job at a daycare and/or babysit for your friend if you ever get back to liking her.